How to Manage Windows Services Using CMD
2 min readFeb 23, 2024


Windows Services are programs that run in the background of the Windows operating system and provide important functions such as security, networking, printing, etc. Windows services can be started automatically when the system is turned on, or manually by the user or administrator. Windows services can also be stopped, paused, or resumed as needed.

One way to manage Windows services is to use Command Prompt or CMD. CMD is a built-in Windows tool that allows users to run text commands to perform various tasks. Using CMD, users can view a list of available Windows services, find out the status of the service, change the service’s startup mode, and control service operations such as starting, stopping, pausing, and resuming.

In this article, Bardimin will discuss how to manage Windows services using CMD with details and examples. This article will be divided into several parts, namely:

How do I open CMD as an administrator

How to view a list of available Windows services

How to find out the status of Windows services

How to change the startup mode of a Windows service

How to control the operation of Windows services

How do I open CMD as an administrator

To manage Windows services using CMD, we need to open CMD as administrator. This is because some Windows services require high permissions to be changed or controlled. If we open CMD as a regular user, we might get error messages like “Access is denied” or “The requested pause, continue, or stop…

