AI and future Job market fears

Ramon Barea
4 min readMar 19, 2021


There’s a certain stigma behind artificial intelligence and the job market.

The reality that the fear is unavoidable in a sense that there will be alot of changes in the future. Jobs will be replaced and Artificial intelligence will become implemented into our society ay an alarming rate.

Despite this humans are adaptable! As jobs are replaced new jobs and companies can grow.

What I urge everyone to do is simply pivot your goals accordingly. If your young and just want a safer job that won’t be impacted in the near future pick something more hands on something closely integrated with human interactions. AI has the phenomenal ability to interpret data in a rate that would out pace an entire human team. This makes jobs like accounting that revolve around data at risk in the near future. What it can’t reproduce easily is human interaction we still feel more comfortable dealing with a person when it matters most. We all say “speak to a representative” when our issues are beyond face value problems and we’d all rather speak to a doctor or lawyer in person than receive troubling news on a computer screen being left with questions.

This also reigns true for hands on jobs.

AI has trouble replicating the movement of a human like hand let alone make a repair. Trade jobs will be the cornerstone of the job market in the near future of anyone who wants to gain a bit of education and find a stable spot in the work force.

Those who are more daring should look at AI as a tool to expand their current abilities.

There’s opportunities in every aspect of life to bloom a new business by implementing the potential of AI. STEM is a glorious field that should be explored and with websites like udemy anyone can learn the basics. Various business softwares are needed, stock market predictions, robotics, the medical field, there are so many options! The only thing limiting society from AI implementation is the fact that we don’t have enough minds solving the right problems. A few books and courses is all it takes to get the beginner tools to launch creativity through the roof. Then from there its up to the individual to pursue it.

Lastly for those who are at an older age and closing in on retirement years don’t worry.

The AI revolution isn’t going to be instantaneous. Worse case scenarios would be that perhaps a costumer service related job would be the last resort option. Regardless of that fact companies are still learning how to implement newer technologies and can’t replace everyone overnight.

In the end we have to realize that Artificial Intelligence is a blessing and a curse depending on how its used.

We need to come together for unique solutions for future job market problems. There’s many questions to be answered such as “should self driving cars protect the passenger or the person suddenly crossing the street as a priority”. Or “should a universal basic income be implemented and if so what of programs like food stamps now?” Considering we can’t just abruptly end programs and implement basic income nor can we easily define who lives and who dies in a self driving car accident the AI implementation of our society will take time to be done in a way that is best for society.

This was written to be an introductory viewpoint as to what to expect with AI and the future job market. I will be exploring the ideologies of AI and its potential alot deeper in the future. I will also be diving into the ethics of choices and future financial strategies in relation to the stock market and real estate. Stay tuned.



Ramon Barea

Gaming and Fitness, Philosophy, Engineering, I cover many topics Twitter: @RamGrandmaster twitch: GrandMaster_Ram Tik Tok: