How pain changes us (a lesson from Itachi Uchiha)

Ramon Barea
5 min readAug 24, 2017


I wrote this so that even someone who doesn’t know this man can learn his story, he’s from an anime called Naruto. The reason I chose to put his photo here is because out of everyone I know or any show Ive watched he’s one character who’s story has never left my mind.

To quickly summarize his part of the story he’s a prodigy in the world of ninjas. Belonging to a very prestigious and feared clan. At a very young age it was a war zone between nations of this world and his father brought him around age 10 to experience war.

After a battle was over he tried to offer a dying enemy ninja a bottle of water and was immediately attacked, he was forced to kill the ninja. Surrounded by corpses his father explained that this wasn’t a fight between men it’s a war between nations there was no room for such kindness.

He then constantly questioned the meaning of life and death in such a world. As he continued his path problems within his own village grew. The Uchiha were feared by the rest of the clans and tension was quickly begun to erupt.

The village did acknowledge Itachi as a prodigy and took him into their elite crew of masked assassins by age 13, one of the youngest to ever join. The Uchiha saw his as a chance to use Itachi as a spy on the villages plans due to his rank and he slowly became a double agent. Being pressured by both sides for information he became a very lonely person, the eye of the storm of hatred. The only person he seemed to enjoy being around was his brother Sasuke who’s innocence to the world was a form of salvation of his own darkness. He could never be around his brother because of all that he had to do but he loved his brother more than anything else.

The darkest times came when the Uchiha were officially going to start civil war within the village and take on every other ninja, this would result in the other nations coming in and annihilating everyone who remains. The village went up to Itachi and told him that no matter what happens all of the Uchiha will die. He was given a chance, if he killed all of the Uchiha they would allow his little brother to live or he can die with the rest of his clan. They explained that it had to be him, should someone else from the village kill them sasuke would want revenge when he’s older so he would have to die to. After all Itachi has witnessed he just wanted peace he didn’t want his whole clan and his village to die. Most Importantly he didn’t want to lose Sasuke.

That night Itachi had to slaughter every last member of the Uchiha before sasuke got home. His father had the power to kill him but told him he didn’t want to have a death battle with his own son. As Itachi stood their with a sword with tears in his eyes his father said “Though our views are different I am proud of you son, you truly are a peaceful child. Our pain will be over in an instant but yours will be one that you carry with you for the rest of your days. Just promise me one thing, take care of Sasuke.”

He could hardly keep holding his sword and hardly see through the tears but made the promise and killed both his parents. At that moment Sasuke walked through the door and Itachi quickly went emotionless. He knew in order to keep Sasuke safe he had to bare his hatred. He told his little brother that he killed them all to test the limit of his abilities and told him to hate him, loathe him with every fiber of his being and use that hatred to become stronger. That one day when he’s strong to, that’s when he can challenge Itachi further. He then knocked Sasuke out cold.

Itachi went on with his life baring the hatred of his brother for years. Until one day Sasuke fights and kills Itachi only to uncover the truth of his brothers love for him afterwards. Itachi died with a smile on his face after seeing how strong his little brother has become. He only wanted peace, the pain and mental scars of war at a young age changed him on a deep level. He had to make such a choice under the worse of circumstances and he made his decision because of the sadness he felt being surrounded be thousands of dead corpses.

Pain changes us all. It fabricates our very being. Some of the greatest people of history have fallen because of pain. Some of the heros of history triumphed over pain. The way we make our choices is based on our memories and the ones that hurt effect us most of all. If there’s one thing I learned from that Itachi Uchiha above all else is that looking back on a decision anything could look bad when it’s just a memory, but in that moment we choose the best choice possible choice with whatever pain is influencing our minds while we decide.

What does his story make you think about? I hope it’s something powerful, feel free to share it with me.

Thank you for reading

Just to rephrase, the character is from Naruto I hope that some people will take the time to watch through it should it catch their attention. I am still new to writing and any advice is greatly appreciated.



Ramon Barea

Gaming and Fitness, Philosophy, Engineering, I cover many topics Twitter: @RamGrandmaster twitch: GrandMaster_Ram Tik Tok: