XYO-Decentralized Crypto-Location Oracle Network.

Boluwatife Arebisola
9 min readApr 13, 2018


As soon as mankind had locks, the problem of lost keys appeared. Then the problem manifested itself with TV remote controls, cordless handsets from fixed telephones, electronic keys from cars and this snowball is growing and growing, capturing all new devices and events with them.

In 2011, Cisco published its vision of the evolution of the Internet of things, where it was noted that in 2010, connected to the Internet devices was already at 84%, a percentage more than the number of people on Earth.

But Bitcoin intervened in this evolution, showing that distributed data stores exceed all expectations of cryptography. Blockbine Bitcoin over time has been improved, eliminating some of the shortcomings and the world saw the blockbuster Efirium with intellectual contracts. And here began a revolution in the world of things. The speed of transactions is already being actively pursued and there are promising solutions.

But our review today is not about this, but about XY Oracle Network — a complex of hardware and software tools for the removal and storage of data in four planes — XYZ coordinates with a time parameter.

If you take a little insight into the technical details, the XYO system provides an entry point to the protocol of the connected devices, which provides high reliability of the location data (which is not always possible in IoT with centralized technologies) through a chain of cryptographic proofs.

Users can send transactions called “requests” to get location data on any blockbuster platform that has the functionality of a start-up contract.

Aggregators from the XYO network listen to these requests issued under the contract and receive replies that have the highest accuracy from a decentralized set of devices that relay cryptographic evidence back to these aggregators. Then the aggregators return the answers to the intellectual contract after reaching agreement on the answer with the best result.

This component network allows you to determine whether an object is in a particular XY coordinate at a given time.

XYO network has four main components: Sentinels (Sentinels — data collectors), Bridges (data repeaters) Archivists (data warehouse) and Diviners (Predictors — aggregators replies).

Guardians collect information about the location through sensors, radios and other means.

Bridges take these data from the Sentinels and provide them to the Archivists.

Archivists store this information for Diviners for analysis.

Diviners analyze the location heuristics of archivists to generate responses to queries and assign them accuracy estimates. Then the Diviners pass these responses back to the smart contract, so Diviners serve as oracles.

The accuracy rating, called the “Target of Origin”, is determined by a set of evidence of zero knowledge known as “Proof of the origin of the chain”. This chain guarantees the receipt of two or more data from the same source, without revealing any basic information.

Each component generates its own proof of origin along the query path, which is then bound to each component to which it transmits data.

Proof of origin is a new formulation that builds a chain of cryptographic guarantees along the path of repeaters on the network to ensure high reliability of real-world data. This proof of the origin of the circuit contains the confidence that we can have in the part of the location data, down to the very first devices that collected the data.

To create a decentralized consistent mechanism among the Diviners, the XYO network relies on the public, unchallenged XYOMainChain blocking system that stores query transactions along with data collected from Diviners and their associated origin score.

In more detail, the entire mechanism of operation and interaction of system components is described in white pages .

At the moment, the project team has already built a network in the real world with more than 1 million Bluetooth and GPS devices. Most location networks can not reach this phase and reach the critical mass necessary to build an extensive network. The network Sentinel created to date is only a starting point.

The XYO network is an open system in which any operator of location devices can connect and start earning XYO tokens. Or you can podsuetitsya and buy tokens at the stage of generation, because their number is strictly limited.

As a rule, the more power Sentinel in the network XYO, the more reliable it is. To further develop its network, XYO interacts with other companies to expand the Sentinels network beyond its own network of XY Findables.

XYO will be the location of the definitive prophecy because of the two core concepts it introduces: Evidence Witness of Origin and Bound. The Bound Witness concept ensures that two different components of the XYO Network are in the same location at the same time. Proof of Origin ensures that the information provided component is valid and resistant to counterfeiting. Detailed information about these two concepts is available on the XYO Network white paper.

Providing authoritative proof of location has the potential to change the world. Here are some ways the XYO Network will disrupt the existing industry.

The XYO network provides incentives on location reporting and archiving of ledgers by giving XYO Tokens to nodes on the web. For example, when the last mile courier like a UPS driver finds an XYO Network node on their path, the node will log their XYO Network ledger for archiving. By utilizing cryptoonomy in this way utilizing the key features of blockchain technology — this is a system without pressure and decentralization. This means it can offer third-party verification and reliability levels that the current tracking system can not provide.


According to a recent study released by Comcast, more than 30% of Americans have a package stolen from their porch or doorstep [1]. As eCommerce market share continues to grow, this problem will only become more common. Megasites such as Amazon are experimenting with different solutions to offer secure delivery that is confirmed as a premium service to their customers.


By utilizing XYO Network and XYO Tokens, the company may offer independently confirmed ledgers to track every step of delivery progress, starting from the fulfillment center and ending with secure shipping of packets within the customer’s home. As a powerless and decentralized system, the XYO Network provides independent confirmation not only of packet delivery, but the overall history of its delivery. It also allows reseller or eCommerce sites to offer payment after shipment, using smartest Ethereum contracts to protect traders from fraud or loss.

How it works

When the customer completes the order, a smart Ethereum contract is made that will release the payment to the merchant after successful delivery of the purchased product. The shipment will include the XYO Touch Network, a low-cost electronic device that records its interactions with other devices on the XYO Network in its blockchain ledger. Other XYO Network devices will also record their interactions with packets sent. Each of these interactions can be independently verified by stating the location-specificity net extending as long as it returns to the origin of the item. When delivery reaches its destination, as confirmed by its interaction with the XYO Network device within the buyer’s home, a smart contract will be fulfilled, and payment will be released. If there is a dispute,

Transaction terminal point — the point at which the packet is shipped and the payment is released — will be determined at the time the order is made. Amazon has experimented with several secure delivery systems, including lockers in public places such as department stores and even electronic keys that give their dispatch teams access to customers’ homes. The XYO Network device in this secure location will confirm delivery. In the Amazon locker, the delivered packets will interact not only with their lockers, but with XYO Network devices in other lockers and customers who use them. At the customer’s home, the XYO Network node may include subscriber phones, IoT devices, and even Amazon Echo used for ordering.

I must say that I am impressed with everything about the XYO project, from their website, promotional videos, ideas, well-established businesses, a ton of documents and newspapers with use cases and business plans for the future and of course the people at behind this project. This is how you prepare a project for ICO and present it to the public and potential investors, and all future ICOs can learn from XYO. My great honor and you take me to the ship as an investor, that’s for sure. For others who plan to participate in this ICO, I encourage you to join WHITELIST FOR TOKEN SALE and do your due diligence on XYO before it begins. I will write more about this project in the future, so stay tuned for teams, tokenomics,

XYO Network Components

The XYO network has four main components,

sentinel, Bridges,

Archivists and Diviners.

These four components enable the construction of geo-focus consensus and verification of unlawful location data. This means that when you write a smart contract that determines that an object appears in certain XY coordinates, if it appears there, you’ll know it’s in that location with absolute certainty. This is all done without the risk of spoofing a location signal device verified by thousands of Sentinels in the Oracle XY Network with the longest Chain of Origin chain (thus generating greater confidence in the heuristics).

XYO Token Specs

General tokens sales have a tiered pricing structure that starts at 1 ETH: 100,000 XYO and maxes out on 1 ETH: 33,333 XYO. Details about volume and price based on our time structure will be announced soon.

• Smart contract platform: Ethereal

• Contract Type: ERC20

• Token: XYO

• Token Name: XYO Network Utility Token

• Token Address: 0x55296f69f40ea6d20e478533c15a6b08b654e758

• Total issuance: Finite and capped at the amount achieved after the Token Main Sale


Join us in our commitment to build a decentralized world.

XY has built the world of open location verification since 2012 by launching a successful consumer GPS-GPS business that is essential for understanding and building a real-world location network. Currently, XY has more than 1,00,000 beacons worldwide.


XY Releasing Tracking Tracking Tracking: “XYGPS”

XY launches the world’s first GPS hybrid and Bluetooth-enabled devices. XYGPS can report its location anywhere in the world where mobile data and GPS are available.

XY Releases XY4 + Devices

XY released an XY4 + device that makes it capable of operating as an XYO Network node through firmware updates.

XY Crossed 1,000,000 Beacon Marks

One million XY devices were born

Blockchain Network-Based Oracle XY Born

The development of moving the network platform from the internal XY location to the open block implementation started: The Oracle XY Network was born.


Q3 & Q4

XY will launch XY Oracle Main Network (“XY MainNet”)

XY will launch the full launch of Oracle XY Network to XY the Sentinel beacon and start testing with new Sentinel partners (mainly IoT companies and mobile app developers).

XY to Complete API for Intelligent Contract Developer to Interact with Oracle XY Network

The release of the XYO Network API that allows smart contract developers writes contracts to interact with XY networks. Library to be developed: Ethical Solidarity Library, Viper Ethereum Library and JavaScript library for websites interact with XYO Network (similar to Web3.js integration with MetaMask).

XY to Release XY Sticker-Based Tracker, Which Can Be Added to the eCommerce Package

Launch the “XY-Stick” product that allows eCommerce retailers to track each of their products in realtime.


XY to Grow Global Network Multiple Sentinel Location Equipment

Grow XY Sentinel coverage (location of data provider and verifier) ​​as well as other components of Oracle XY Network (Bridge, Archiver, Burial).

XY to Launch SatoshiXY and VitalikXY LEO Satellite Sentinels

Shares will be sold on XYO’s Low Earth Orbit satellite; The bet represents ownership in the XYO Token award section.

XY for Businesses, Retail Organizations and Companies that Have a Greater Use Case for Location Verification

Formalize business partnerships with larger companies and entities that can take advantage of decentralized and unreliable location instincts (eg logistics systems, supply chain companies, auditoras hours, eCommerce businesses and countless other niches).

For more information, visit the link below as source Reference:

Website: https://xyo.network/index.html

Whitepaper: https://xyo.network/whitepaper/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/XYOracleNetwork

Telegram: https://t.me/xyonetwork

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xyonetwork

By Boluwatife ( https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1398337;sa=summary )

