Remembering Jean Shepherd K2ORS/SK

Barefoot Mike
3 min readMay 6, 2022

I’ve been into radio for as long as I can remember. Before I became a ham, I was into shortwave and broadcast radio (back when there were things worth listening to). If you lived in the eastern USA in the 1960s and 70s, you may remember tuning in to WOR 710 AM — a clear-channel powerhouse that covered half the country at night. I did nearly every weeknight, so I could listen to The Jean Shepherd Show. He was a master storyteller, recounting events from his childhood, his military service, and more, as well as commentary on life in general. Perhaps you are familiar with the popular holiday movie “A Christmas Story” — Jean Shepherd wrote that story based on his own childhood experiences and it is his voice you hear providing the narration throughout the film.

Shep was also a ham! Originally licensed at the age of 14 in Hammond, Indiana as W9QWN (you can listen to him tell the story at ) he later held various call signs as he moved about the country (you may remember there was a time when you were issued a new call sign if you moved to a different region) until he finally ended up as K2ORS when he moved to New York. He remained active with that call sign until he became a Silent Key in 1999.



Barefoot Mike

Michael Schrody: Audio guru and tech wizard. Cat whisperer and dabbler in the arcane. No shirt, no shoes, no pants, no gods — no worries!