August 2017: I have seen 55 movies this month

Amanda Hudgins
3 min readSep 1, 2017


In a sort of half-hearted New Years resolution, I thought it might be a good idea to watch more movies. This is month 6. You can follow my regular movie diary onLetterboxd. Last month’s upkeep can be found here: January 2017, February 2017, March 2017, April 2017 , May 2017. June 2017, July 2017.

It’s 12:32 AM on a Friday morning, September the 1st. My last movie of the month rolled credits around 11:30, so stepping outside the theater I went ahead and wrote a quick one-off Letterboxd review of Good Time before walking home.

This month was overall hectic, with the conclusion of my button boards time at the Living Arts and Science Center and a trip to Chicago for the weekend to Bit Bash. You can watch the video about that here. I listened to some good music. Read precisely zero books and got hooked on the Tsum Tsum mobile game.

But away from my boring life and onto the movies.


This month I saw 55 movies, coming to a grand total of 4568 minutes. That averages out to be about 83 minutes per film. The longest film was Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets at 137 minutes. The shortest film was Zane Plays: Proboid which comes in at 3 minutes.

Most of the films this month were watched on Netflix. In theaters this month I watched 7 movies in theaters (discounting a 3 movie birthday event at a rented theater) namely The Big Sick, Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, A Ghost Story, Wolf Warrior 2, Logan Lucky, Little Hours, and Good Time.

In total this puts me at 447 movies, with 425 on Letterboxd. With the addition of this months minutes that puts me at 40,910 minutes total for the month and an average of 91.5 minutes per film.


The movie I probably enjoyed the most this month was the ensemble comedy Logan Lucky. It’s just really well done, following a cast of really fascinating actors performing characters that you grow to love and appreciate over the course of the heist.

The worst movie of the month was probably A Ghost Story. I mean technically there are several Michael Dudikoff movies that were far worse, but my legitimate thought as I sat through 90 excruciating pie-eating minutes was that I would rather be at home, watching another shitty Michael Dudikoff movie. It’s the kind of boring philosophical movie that a friend drags you to and then you never see a movie with them again.


This month had a few trends. The first was a weird decision to watch several Michael Dudikoff movies. As in 5 (Cybertracker, Stranded, Chain of Command, Human Shield, and Freedom Strike). Dudikoff isn’t a particularly good actor, he mostly resembles a Margarittaville bartender who has been inexplicably cast as an action lead for eh 30 years or so. I have no idea why I saw 5 movies from Michael Dudikoff this month.

I watched three Scooby Doo movies this month, including the live action Scooby-Doo and the follow-up Scooby-Doo 2, but it was started by the animated film Scooby Doo on Zombie Island.

If you’re interested in seeing more, you can follow me on Letterboxd and on Twitter.

