The Michael Anderson Story

10 min readDec 23, 2020



My name is Michael Anderson. I am 70 years old at the time of writing this. I was born in 1950. I had a great childhood. I always have a crush on my best friend. Her name was Francine Johnson. She was the most beautiful and Smartness woman I knew. We got married to each other at 21. Before that we were life long friends. When really didn’t get together unlit we were 18. We had a wonderful life together. We had two kids and a dog.

Sometimes if I was misbehaving Francine would punish me and trust me when I say there were plenty of times I have misbehaved. That’s actually how we got together. It is a bit weird, I know.

It was the fall of 1968. Francine had left home to go to College two years ago. I was working at the Town factory. We cut and Process meat. I was working on packing up the Chicken meat up. My best friend Fred was packing up beef. The break alarm rings. The Machines come to a slow stop. I walk outside with the rest of the workers. we were enjoying our 1 hour lunch break.

Fred walked up to me. Fred was 18. He had red hair. His eyes were blue. He was 5'6.

He handed me a cigarette. I took it and began Smoking it. At the time I had black hair and Blue eyes. I was 5'8. I was well bulit.

“Hey, I hear Francine was coming back to town.” Said Fred.

“Seriously, I never thought she come back to this Turkey of a town.” I said.

“Yeah she want to be the new librarian. Mrs. Smith wants to retire.” Said Fred.

“That hag is still alive?” I asked.

“Yeah, She and her husband plan on retiring and moving to Flordia next spring. What your problem with her anyways.” Asked Fred.

“Don’t you remember? She ban me from the library after I accidentally Set the dumpster on fire.” I said.

Fred laughs. “Oh yeah, how did that happen again?” Asked Fred.

“It was her own fault. You never leave an 8 year old alone with matches.” I said.

Fred laughs.

“Yeah, Francine loved that place.” I said.

The bell rings.

“Time to get back to it.” He said.

I threw my Cigarette down and headed back to work.

A few hours later I went home. As I was walking into my house I heard the phone ring. I went to answer it.

“Hello.” I said.

I hear a women’s voice on the other line.

“Hello. Is this Michael Anderson?” Asked the woman.

“Yes, it is.” I said.

“Michael it’s Francine. How you been!” She asked.

“Oh Wow Francine. Fred told me you moved back to town but I didn’t believe him.” I said.

“Yes, I just recently moved back here and plan to take over the library when Mrs.Smith retires next year.” Said Francine.

“Really Wow that awesome.” I said.

“Yeah but I am a little nervous.” She said.

“Why?” I asked.

“It is a bit silly.” She said.

“Come on, You can tell me.” I said.

“She laughs ok. Well you remember the movie the phanton of the Oprah right?” She asked.

“Of course. You had me see it 3 times with you when it replay at the local Cinmax.” I said.

“Well I had this nightmare instead of the Oprah it was a library and I was the Librarian.” Said Francine.

I bust out laughing. “Your right it is silly.” I cried.

“My God I knew I shouldn’t have told you. Promise me you won’t tell anyone.” She said.

“Ok. I promise.” I said.

“You should come to the library sometime.” She said.

“I would but I think I am still ban.” I said.

“Oh yeah.” She said. “I guess I will see you around town.”

“Definitely!” I said

She hangs up the phone. I hang up on my end. Suddenly a bad idea entered my head. I could easily pull an amazing prank on Francine. I call up Fred.

“Hey, Fred You still got that Phanton of the Oprah costume?” I asked.

“Yeah. Why?” He asked.

“Cause I want to borrow it.” I said.

The Next Day.

Fred meets me at the Library. He has the Constume in hand. I had filled up water balloons. I had them in a basket.

“You sure this will be a good Idea?” Asked Fred.

“Of Course it will be funny.” I said.

“I don’t know.” Said Fred.

“Just watch. It be really funny. Just tell me when she pulls up.” I said. I hand him a walkie-talkie.

I sneak into the library and hide on the second floor. The checkout desk was by the door. I could look down at the Front desk. Mrs. Smith was sitting at the desk reading. She lost in the story she was reading.

Fred was hiding around the corner of the building. He was waiting for Francine to pull up. He was smoking a cigarette. suddenly a brown Buick Riveria pulls up.

A Young and Beautiful brown hair woman steps out. She has green eyes. She is tall and slim. She must be at least 6 feet tall.

Fred gets on the walkie.

“Hey, Francine here.” Said Fred.

“Ok. Good.” I said.

I put on the mask and Cape. Francine walks in.

“Hey, Mrs.Smith.” She saids.

Mrs.Smith looks up. “Ah, Ms.Johnson it been a while. I am actually glad it going to be you taking this place over. I will sure miss it.” She said.

Francine grabs her hand. “This place is in good hands.” She said. Mrs.Smith smiles warmly.

Suddenly a water balloon drops in-between Francine and Mrs.Smith. Water covers them both. I then Jump out and Start to laugh. Then Quickly ran out of sight. I could hear one of them running up the stairs. I hide behind a book cases. I hear foot steps coming closer to me. I Jump out attempting to scare who ever it is. Suddenly I feel hit him on the side of my head. I saw noting but darkness.

one hours later.

I woke up slowly. My hands were tied to a chair I was sitting in. My Mask was still on my face. Mrs.Smith was sitting across from me.

“So the troublemaker is finally up. I think I should call the Sheriff. “ Said Mrs.Smith.

“Hang on there.” Said Francine. she walks from behind me. She turns to look at me. She removes my mask.

Mrs.Smith Gaps. “Mr.Michael Anderson! So you came back to finish the Job. I knew you were trouble.”

“If you will. Let me handle this.” Said Francine.

“No problem, This will be your show anyways.” Said Mrs. Smith.

She got up and left the room.

Francine looks at me. She looked Extremely upset.

“I tell you something in confidence and You use that against me.” She said.

“I am sorry I just thought this would be a funny prank.” I said.

“Well, It’s not! It not funny at all!” Yelled Francine. “Your 18 years old! Time to grow the fuck up. we ain’t kids no more.”

I just bow my head in defeat.

Francine Sighs. “You know Mrs.Smith wants to call the Sheriff on you. I talked her out of it.” Said Francine.

“Thank you. I am sorry.” I said.

Francine looks at me.

“Your going to have to make this up and make things right.” She said.

“Ok. How I do that?” I asked.

“By being punish.” She said.

“What?” I asked. “Punish?”

“Yes, Punished.” She said.

“You been a very bad boy and You parents never gave you proper discipline.” Said Francine.

She wasn’t wrong my parents really didn’t punish me growing up. I only been Grounded Twice and never been Spank despite all the trouble I cause when I was young.

“So I have to discipline you myself.” She said.

I had no idea what was happening at this time but this event would forever change my life and established Mine and Francine Marriage.

Francine began to take off her Shoes and Socks. Remember I was still tied up to the Chair. She put her foot in my face.

“Smell it!” She Demanded.

“What? What happening here?” I said.

“Your being punished. If you want me to call the Sheriff I can. Or you can take your punishment.” Said Francine.

I close my eyes and began to sniff her feet. They smell gross. I make a face.

“Damn your feet smell bad.” I said.

“That is because I run two miles every morning when I wake up.” Said Francine.

She laughs. “Now Lick my feet heel to toe.” She said.

“You can’t be serious?” I said.

“I am being dead Serious.” She said in a commanding voice.

I hesitantly stick my tongue now and begin licking her feet from heel to toe. I guess I wasn’t doing it right cause a few minutes later she sighed. She came closer to me. She grab my short hair and force me to lick better. It must have been a full 10 mintues. I had licked every inch of both her feet.

“Now Suck on my toes!” She command.

I put the big toe on her left foot in my mouth. I began to suck on it. Her toe was coming in and out of my mouth. My saliva was all her toe. She made me do this to all ten toes. I spend a full 2 mintues on each one.

after I had sucked on her toes she moved back. She unzipped my pants and took out my penis. She begin to play with it to make it hard. Once it was hard she sat back and used her feet to jerk me off.

It Actually felt really good. I was starting to enjoy my punishment. Then she started explaining how things were going to be from now on.

“You know I always knew you had a crush on me. I had one on you as well. but you were always too inmature. Pulling pranks and getting into trouble. Then I went to college and I meet this College Professor. Her name was Mrs.Peterson. She taught everything about how to punish someone. I been punish by her a few times.

So I decide to come back to town and Correct your behavior. So I set up this little trap knowing you couldn’t resist a Good prank.” She said.

“Wait this whole thing was a set up?” I asked.

“Of Course it was. I know you better then anyone. I knew you would fall right for it.” She said.

I was having mixed emotions. On one hand I was feeling good from her using her feet to jerk me off. On the other hand I was feeling Stupid for falling for her tricks. I should have known better.

I felt my heart starting to race. Francine increase her speed just a little bit.

Francine continued. “So this is how things are going to be from now on. Your going to give me your work schedule and since you have two off days. One of those off days will be spend here doing community service. That be what ever I decide it is. Your also start taking me on proper dates. When ever you Misbehave I will be there to punish you. You are now my boyfriend.”

Her feet kept jerking me off. My heart was extremely racing now. My eyes were getting Blurry. I was seeing spots. Suddenly I came all over her feet. It was like a Volcanio erupting. it took me a second to recover.

She looks at her feet. she puts them back in my face. “Clean them!” She ordered.

“What? but that’s Nasty. My Cum is all over your feet.” I said.

“I know. This isn’t for your enjoyment. This is punishment.” She Said.

I hesitantly lick all my cum off her feet. It wasn’t a Pleasant experience. I actually wanted to gagged. Her Mixing Pleasure with Punishment really got to me. Surprisingly it was working. I was learning a lesson. I didn’t want to pull pranks at the Library anymore.

Once I was finish with my task I was Gagging wanting to throw up. Francine was laughing. She puts her sock and shoes on. She then pulls out a pack of baby wipes. She clean all my cum off with 3 baby wipes. She then threw the wipes away in a small trash can. She then unties me.

I move my wrist around to let the blood flow back to it. I stood up and tried to pull my pants up. However Francine Stopped me. I look at her.

“We ain’t done here. Keep your pants down.” She ordered.

She went to a near by desk and pulls out a wooden paddle. I knew what was coming next.

“Oh no please don’t.” I pleaded.

“Oh but I have to. You need this.” She said.

I sighed.

“Turn around on the chair and stick your ass out.” Demanded Francine.

I put knees on the seat and held on to the back part of the chair. I stick my ass out. I sighed getting mentally prepare for my first spanking ever. Remember both me and Francine are 18 at this time. So imagine a grown men getting Spank by a woman. Maybe it not as shocking today as it was in 1968.






My ass was getting red. I could feel the burn.






“Fuck!” I yelled. The Paddle really strung. I couldn’t believe how much this hurt. Maybe if my parents actually punished me I would be more well behaved today.






I actually started to cry a little bit. Tears were falling for my eyes.






The final strike was the worst. My ass was Completely red. I wiped the tears from my eyes.

“Ok. We are done.” Said Francine.

I stood up and pulled up my pants. Francine walks up to me and kisses me hard. I could help but kiss her back. We slowly Separate. She looks deeply into my eyes.

“Go clean up the mess you make. Then go reorganize the entire library.” She Commanded.

“Yes Ma’am.” I said.

She kiss me again. She walks towards the Front desk. I walk to the storage room to grab a mop bucket. This was the first day of the rest of my life had began.–0–0-released/

