5 Startups & 5 Cool Ideas in Deep Learning

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1 min readJan 20, 2016

Venture Beat recently named 5 deep learning machine intelligence startups which they think will have a ton of impact in 2016.

  1. Deep Instinct is developing a deep learning cyber security software targeting APT attacks (a type of network attack).
  2. Lunit is developing a deep learning medical image analysis system to help medical diagnosis.
  3. Vuno is developing yet another deep learning medical image analysis software.
  4. TeraDeep is developing a deep learning software (and hardware) to the content of your images, videos and data. Their software can tag what is in Youtube videos.
  5. Nnaisense is developing a deep learning generic framework. Or at least, no one really knows which problem they are targeting according to Wired.

With that, 2 out of 5 “deep learning startups” to follow are focusing on medical image analysis. one is focusing on cyber security, one is focusing on image tagging, and the last one is a mysterious one.

The landscape for deep learning applications is wide open, and these companies are just the beginnings. What do you thing would be the next problem to apply deep learning be? What domains can you think of?


  1. http://venturebeat.com/2015/12/25/5-deep-learning-startups-to-follow-in-2016/




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