Baris Kabuloglu on WellnessTrips to Consider Taking This Fall

Baris Kabuloglu
3 min readOct 5, 2023

The yearning for a refreshing escape never fades, primarily as the vibrant fall foliage beckons and the crisp autumn air rejuvenates the soul. Fall is arguably the best season for wellness retreats because of its changing leaves, moderate temperatures, and bountiful harvest. While summer vacations often emphasize adventure and winter getaways may focus on cozy indulgence, fall trips combine the best of both ideals, providing a serene environment to revitalize and reflect.

Wellness tourism, an industry valued in the billions, has witnessed an upward trajectory in recent years. The essence of such trips lies not just in relaxation but in transformation. They allow individuals to disconnect from their daily rigors and reconnect with themselves, often in settings that promote holistic well-being. Fall mainly enhances the wellness experience. The season resonates with transformation-a poignant reminder of life’s impermanent nature, making it a fitting backdrop for personal reflection and growth. The sheer visual splendor and pleasant weather make fall the ideal time to undertake journeys prioritizing mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

Nature Retreats in Vermont

When one thinks of fall in the United States, Vermont often springs to mind with its pristine landscapes painted with amber, maroon, and gold hues. Nature retreats in this New England state offer a tranquil escape from urban life.

Stay in a secluded cabin, where mornings begin with yoga amidst the trees and evenings close with mindfulness walks under the stars. The crisp air is refreshing and invigorates the senses, making meditative practices even more profound. Engage in forest bathing, a Japanese therapeutic practice that emphasizes the healing power of nature. Vermont’s fall foliage, with its serene lakes and rolling hills, makes it a haven for those seeking solace and a deeper connection with the environment. Organic farm-to-table meals enhance the wellness experience, ensuring the body receives as much nourishment as the soul.

Thermal Spas in Iceland

Iceland, the land of fire and ice, boasts geothermal wonders that are especially inviting in the fall. The Blue Lagoon, while famous, is just the tip of the iceberg. Delve deeper and discover lesser-known thermal spas scattered across the Icelandic countryside.

These geothermal pools, rich in minerals, are believed to have therapeutic properties, aiding in relaxation and skin rejuvenation. Picture this: you, immersed in a warm, mineral-rich bath, the cool autumn air gently caressing your face, with the Northern Lights painting a mesmerizing dance overhead. Beyond the spas, Iceland offers wellness in the form of its untouched landscapes-vast lava fields, cascading waterfalls, and geysers that erupt under a sky tinged with autumnal hues. The contrast of the warm waters against the cool fall air provides a sensory experience that promises rejuvenation and tranquility.

Meditation Retreats in the Himalayas

The majestic Himalayas have long been a sanctuary for those seeking spiritual and mental clarity. As fall casts a golden hue over these towering peaks, meditation retreats in regions like Dharamshala or Rishikesh in India become sanctuaries of peace.

Embrace the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism in monasteries, where seasoned monks guide you through transformative meditation sessions. The panoramic views of the mountains, with their peaks kissed by the first snow of winter, provide a serene backdrop for introspection. While requiring acclimatization, the thin, crisp air of the altitude can intensify the sense of clarity and focus. The Himalayan foothills, with their rich spiritual history and breathtaking landscapes, provide a setting that nurtures both the mind and the spirit. Simple, vegetarian meals complement the experience, grounding the retreatant in the rhythms of nature and self.

With its medley of colors and comfortable temperatures, fall offers a unique palette of wellness experiences. The destinations highlighted herein glimpse the options available to those seeking rejuvenation this season.

Originally published at on October 5, 2023.



Baris Kabuloglu

Baris Kabuloglu lives in Houston, Texas. He has worked in business development for consumer and industrial products for over two decades.