What we learned launching on HN and PH

Esteban Vargas
2 min readJan 3, 2020


Week 1 cumulative gross revenue for MegaBoost — $246

We silently grinded during the holidays.

We have been serving customers on a Wizard of Oz basis, and we still have some of those lined up (because due to the demand, we haven’t been able to provide our solution to them yet). However, that has just changed.

People go for a vacation during these dates, meaning that all of the invoices we have pending will probably not translate into revenue until next year. That’s why last week we decided to focus a lot on improving our product, on making that technological jump possible in order to attend a greater demand faster.

We launched on ProductHunt and Hacker News. It was a 23rd of December so we didn’t really know what to expect, but the good news is we learned some useful things:

How to increase inbound conversion

I answered every question on the HN thread

This was the most interesting comment of all because it has not only 1 but 2 really useful pieces of information:

  1. We have been thinking a lot about how to deal with unsupported niches because just like the person above, it’s something we have been told about when selling our solution. We concluded that the best way to go around this is to skip the company sourcing part: You give a CSV with the companies you want to target, you tell us who your champion is, and then we source people for you.
  2. Nobody will pay $80 for a solution that people don’t even know if there is a true person behind such. That’s why in our next release we will provide a small sample of leads for free, only for your first

The importance of integrating MixPanel and Drift

The Drift widget looks really cool

Now that our site is getting traffic and our product is getting usage, we needed to evolve. We integrated Drift to convert inbound leads better, and we integrated Mixpanel to the product to understand how people are using it. To understand: what do we need to fix so that people decide to pay?

Some clues to refine our message
The Hacker News campaign behaved noticeably better. This makes me think that “Be 10x more efficient prospecting leads” is a better message than “Automatically prospect leads”. This is something that is really hard to nail, but we’re starting with this small A/B test.

