I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life

The Making of a Spiritual Anarchist, Part 10

Barnabas Smith


Illustrated by Barnabas Smith

After my time in Alaska, I moved back to Colorful Colorado with my wife, our first kid, and one on the way. I started my first corporate job working in the ad agency arm of a small e-commerce tech company. Being back in Colorado set the environment to return to authors I had read before that had changed my spiritual trajectory the first time I lived here.

I started by catching up on Rob Bell’s podcast, the Robcast. It was refreshing to immerse myself back in the fringes of Christianity. One episode that stood out featured an interview with Richard Rohr, a Franciscan friar based in New Mexico.

This is part ten of a series. Start with part one, Call No One Master.

During the interview, Rohr unpacks the concept of an alternative orthodoxy. This alternative focuses on action over knowledge or orthopraxy over orthodoxy. Orthodoxy is most prominent in the major Christian traditions and refers to sound doctrine or correct beliefs. Orthopraxy was a new concept for me, it means…



Barnabas Smith

I am a poet based in Boulder County, Colorado. I write about poetry, mysticism, anarchism, and all the ways they intersect. https://linktr.ee/barnabasprime