Three Superpowers Every Designer Should Embrace

Barney Abramson
2 min readFeb 1, 2024

Designers, welcome to a realm where imagination, creativity, and empathy intersect, granting you a trifecta of superpowers that elevate you in the creative universe. As a designer, you have the unique ability to envision and create new worlds that have never existed before. Don’t believe me? Keep reading to find out more.

Your first superpower is imagination — the key to acquiring knowledge, solving problems, and creating a world beyond the ordinary. According to a Dartmouth College and Princeton University study, creative experts excel in distal imagination, vividly envisioning distant scenarios with unparalleled finesse and precision.

Imagination doesn’t just create reality; it allows you to shape a world that others can only dream of.

Your next superpower is creativity. Your creativity allows you to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to complex problems. It’s your vehicle to bring ideas to life. Whether expressing emotions through poetry, beautifying spaces with paintings, or enhancing experiences through innovative product design, your creative prowess transforms concepts into tangible, awe-inspiring realities.

Enter empathy — the third superpower that bridges the gap between your creations and the human experience. Empathy allows you to understand and…



Barney Abramson

Barney Abramson is an award-winning creative leader, design mentor, and mental health advocate. Learn more about me here