Overcome the Fear and Anxiety that Limits Your Success at Work

Barney Feinberg
4 min readMar 17, 2020


After the events of September 11, 2001, my going to work in the Empire State building every day brought the anxiety of being the next target. On that day, I saw the fireball rising above the towers as the second plane hit the building. Within minutes we were evacuated down the stairs and to the exit, in fear of our building, the next tallest in New York City would be next. Walking down the crowded stairs from my office on the 22nd floor felt like an eternity, as people were pushing aimlessly to get out.

Once outside, I raced to Penn Station, a few blocks away, and caught what may have been the last train out of the city. We moved slowly, inching out of the tunnel, wondering if it would be the next terrorist target. Fear had gripped us all as a blood-curdling scream shot out on the train; it was a scream of relief. A women’s son had just called her cell to say he got out of the World Trade Center safely as the first tower was collapsing.

Every day for years walking to my office, there were random thoughts of what if today is the day our building would be attacked. Why is that truck parked at the side entrance? What is in that big backpack that man is carrying? If you see something say something, kept me vigilant and fearfully concerned.

I see a similar fear today as our lives have changed due to the coronavirus, Covid-19, that has swept the world. Fear of the unknown can shake us to the core, making it difficult to move forward, putting us in stop and go action.

Fear and anxiety are found in business, as well. Lost clients, mistakes in our work, deadlines, toxic politics, poor leadership, confusion, and more can bring out the worst in us. We forget our values and principles and go into survival mode, which is most often unnecessary after we look back with 2020 hindsight.

Strengthen Your Chemistry Factor

To overcome this paralysis of fear that leads to underproductive anxiety, you will want to strengthen your chemistry factor. This factor is your ability to consciously recognize, understand, and empower your emotions while influencing the emotions of others to inspire your and their actions no matter what the circumstances.

Emotions are driven by your values, which dictate your rules of conduct. Values characterize your sense of self and are elemental to the actions you take. When a value is disconnected (not being honored), you will find things are wrong, making work difficult and energy draining.

Empower Your Values

When I noticed the fear popping in my head as I walked to the Empire State Building, I empowered a value that changed my perspective from fear to inspiration. The value of calm was one that inspired my actions. To empower it, I would remember a peak moment when I was skiing on top of a mountain in a whiteout.

On the slope, blinded by the snow, I pulled to the side of the trail and embraced the moment that heightened my other senses. There was no wind; the snow softly fell straight down on my face, not allowing me to see further than my outstretched hand. I heard a pair of skis shushing through the snow, smelled the scent of pine, and felt the cold gently caress my body, leaving me peaceful and serene.

Walking into the building, I replaced fear with calm. Closing my eyes going into the elevator, I felt the motion of moving up to the 22nd floor and with a smile would glide to my office, ready for the day.

You have an unlimited number of values you can empower throughout the day that will shift you to action rather than reaction. An empowered value will put you in control and affect your emotions no matter what the circumstances. When you learn to empower a value consciously, it will take you to a higher level of emotional intelligence.

Create Authentic Connection

As you practice becoming more proficient in strengthening your chemistry factor, it will become easier to identify the values you have in common with your coworkers and those you do not. Instead of repeatedly working from the values that disconnect you with a coworker, you can authentically connect to a value that inspires your relationship.

I was coaching an advertising entrepreneur who was struggling. She was a type-A personality who was strategically way ahead of her client, who was becoming frustrated. She learned to empower the value of patience, which she had never used in business.

My client’s peak moment story for patience was on the beach in the south of France, enjoying the moment, not rushing through it. Her patience perspective shifted the relationship with her client. She was able to slow down to their pace, inspiring mutually higher levels of business innovation and productivity.

We all have times in our life that we are authentically connected with others, but for most of us, it is unconscious and on automatic pilot. By strengthening your chemistry factor, you will discover new success formulas that create greater success and satisfaction at work and in your life.

The essential factor in business success and satisfaction is your ability to strengthen relationships with both yourself and the people at work. As a leader, your staff will begin to enhance their chemistry factor, discovering new ways to authentically connect with you and each other. They will see the unknown as a challenge to conquer rather than a fear to overcome.

Fear is so often overblown and unnecessary. Put yourself on the path that inspires, become an expert in relationship building by learning to empower your values quickly and easily.



Barney Feinberg

Barney Feinberg, PCC, CPCC, CPA, is the Founder and CEO of The Chemistry Factor — Executive Search and Career/Executive Coach. www.thechemistryfactor.com