Brée Nachelle
3 min readJan 22, 2017

I am politic’d out. The exhaustion. The anxiety. The uncertainty. The horror. The complaining from BOTH SIDES.

But OMG, Where the fuck were you in November??

I did the work in for Gore, for Kerry, Obama, and Sanders, then later, Hilary. Phone calls, handing out stickers and buttons in front of churches in the cold, signing up people to Rock The Vote, in the scorching heat. Breast feeding a baby in a community meeting. Helping my local congressperson/ senator raise money to support the local interests of my family.

This is the work that MUST be done all year long. Some things, you can even do from home, but most people don’t attend community town halls, watch the news or EVEN vote in their local elections, then days like today come.

The TV people got you excited. The orange guy makes you see red. You got to wear cool pink hats, and scream pussy at the top of your lungs in public, and it made you feel good. But, some folks did it to be cutting edge, and this may get you followers on Instagram, because Oh My God you’re so woke #tummytea. But y’all Trump is still the president, thank you for letting him know you’re mad, but there’s more work to be done. Oh and D.C. thanks you for the economy boost, but make sure that you Run, don’t walk, your ass to your local officials office on Monday and ask what you can do to help.

To my POC in the crowd, standing, cheeseing like this wasn’t an appropriation of a march organized by a Black woman long ago, OPEN YOUR EYES, get off your asses and realize that your pussy, is all that was covered today. The KKK marched near my damn job the other day. I have already called my congressman, and senator to say WTF fix it, but I’m looking into working with BLM and NAACP to ensure I am doing my part to make certain we are not being overlooked. Have you talked to your friends of other ethnicities about how they can help keep you safe? #fuckyoursafetypin Did you contact your local council/congress/senator to demand safe policing for people of color?? Or did you just tell your son the rules of engagement for talking to the police while Black?

But again, where the fuck were all of you in November??

Get the fuck out there and LEARN who your congress person is. LEARN who your city council person is. And ask how you can help, so we can have the local tools to take on a national effort. Do the fucking work!

Also if you read my rant, and you do the work thank you, but next time take a friend with you, we need to learn that we can be involved in our communities, NOT be compensated and be enriched by making our home safer, cleaner, and better for everyone.

Brée Nachelle

Mom | Webby Award Winning Digital Brand Strategist | Creative Being | Fabulous F#@kery Podcast Host | Bréeyoncé | Baroness