How Amazing Would It Be If You Had a Lot of Friends Living in Your Neighborhood?

And How You Can Make It Happen…

Baron Willeford
3 min readApr 12, 2016

Who wouldn’t want to have lots of friends they could see all the time? Being part of a tight-knit community is very strongly correlated with health and happiness. Unfortunately, it’s increasingly less likely and more difficult for people to have lots of friends living close enough to them that they can get together with often. At Krewe, we’re trying to help people make a new group of friends right in their neighborhood that they would have easy access to and be able to become really close with. Just imagine what your life would be like if you had 5, 20, 50 or more close friends living close by…

Nightly Gatherings

You’d always have people nearby that you could grab a drink with after work. Everyone’s so close so there’s no need to make big plans weeks in advance to meet up somewhere. You could probably even just drop into your local pub on a whim and find people you know already there who you could have a casual conversation with, or possibly go out and have some crazy adventure with (like a sitcom). Even if you got home at 9 after a long day of work, you could still quickly meet up with a few friends for a quick beer, complain about your boss and coworkers, and be in bed before 10:30.


Seeing a group that often allows you to build up a culture of traditions, inside jokes, and rituals, and really makes it possible to form a sense of unity and belonging. It’s incredibly special to share that kind of bond with a group of people, and really helps you form life long relationships with them.


Throwing a barbecue, or a dinner party, or even an all-out rager for your neighbor friends would be something that you could do fairly frequently, so long as you’re willing to deal with the clean up. Even if you’re not the partying type, you’d still have enough friends around that you could do whatever fun thing your little heart desires. Boozy brunch? Play video games? Go to the movies? Pickup basketball? Boardgames? Poker night? Maybe you all could just sit around in the park on a lazy Sunday afternoon?


With all those friends around, you could easily take great vacations and travel with them. You could rent a beach house, or go skiing, or camping, or even backpack across Europe. No more fear of missing out. Incredible experiences would alway be available to you so long as you have friends nearby.

Career Connections

Having that kind of network would also help you succeed in your career. Not only would you have the connections that could help you secure a new job, but you’d also have connections to make sales, or secure contracts, and even form business partnerships. Additionally, advice and mentoring from your network should not be overlooked. Having people you can confide in when things get tough is an incredibly valuable resource.


What about dating? If you knew dozens of people in your area, you would surely have a large pool from which to choose potential mates. The best part (in my opinion at least) would be that you could actually get to know people before you date them. Unlike online dating, your first interaction with them wouldn’t be a date. You’d get to know them in a more casual and friendly environment first and then seeing where it goes. That’s kind of how it’s worked for, you know, all of human history.


This is my vision for Krewe. We want to give everyone access to this kind of network. Krewe starts by placing people in a group with five of their peers so they can be comfortable meeting at first. They all live within a half mile radius so it’s convenient to get together often and become close. After a while, they’re allowed to expand the group so they can make dozens of friends in their neighborhood and build up a really tight-knit community.

What you do with that network is up to you, but surely you can’t go wrong if you had lots of great friends in your neighborhood. It is the secret to living a happy and healthy life, after all.

