This week’s Interesting Things // November, Week 2

1 min readNov 12, 2016


The Warriors and Wolves program provides veterans with an opportunity to heal by spending quality time with a K-9 companion.

The Prime Minister of India announced that 500 and 1,000 rupee notes — the highest denomination of Indian currency — will no longer be considered legal tender. The government hopes this will help flush out tax evaders, decrease corruption and limit the flow of non-taxed money in India.

In March 2013, four friends when on a ski trip in British Columbia. Four days into the trip, they were buried alive by an avalanche. This is the remarkable story about the Rescue at Cherry Bowl.

Researchers at the US Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have developed a way to turn feces into the future of fuel.

Snapchat has launched its line of Spectacles this week, and you can only purchase them from one of these fun, cartoonish vending machines.

The advertising agency heat conducted a study to understand the behavior of apologizing and what it means for the way people view each other and themselves.

