Introducing the New ABCs of Data

Now that you know your ABCs, next time won’t you ETL with me?

Barr Moses
Analytics Vidhya


Image courtesy of Linh Pham on Unsplash.

In 2020, it’s simply not enough to collect data about your company to be “data-driven”; to stay relevant, you must also know how to apply it. Underlying this evolution from gut-based decision making to data-driven analytics is a critical need to reason about this data intelligently across your business.

In many ways, the data industry is at a similar stage to where software engineering (and, more specifically, Developer Operations, or DevOps) was about a decade ago. Just now are data teams understanding the importance of automated tooling, eliminating data downtime, and perhaps, most importantly, ensuring high data reliability. In fact, over the past few years, we’ve found that the best data organizations are applying a software engineering mindset to maintain their competitive edge.

In this article, we walk through the ABCs of modern data teams, providing an overview of the top terms and concepts today’s data teams need to know:

Data analytics give teams across a company insights into how their functional organizations are performing. Image courtesy of Franki Chamaki on Unsplash.

Data Analytics



Barr Moses
Analytics Vidhya

Co-Founder and CEO, Monte Carlo ( @BM_DataDowntime #datadowntime