Unfolding the Intricacies of "Folding Beijing": A Dystopian Masterpiece

2 min readApr 18, 2024


In the realm of contemporary speculative fiction, "Folding Beijing" emerges as a gem, offering readers a compelling narrative that transcends the boundaries of conventional storytelling. Authored by Hao Jingfang, this Hugo Award-winning novella plunges us into a meticulously crafted world where social hierarchies are as stratified as the layers of a folded city.

Set against the backdrop of a future Beijing, the story unfolds in a society where time is currency and class divisions are starkly delineated. The city itself is a marvel of engineering, divided into three distinct spaces that rotate in and out of visibility and functionality based on a rigid schedule. This ingenious concept not only serves as a metaphor for the disparities inherent in society but also underscores the fragility of human relationships in the face of systemic inequities.

At its core, "Folding Beijing" is a narrative that deftly explores the complexities of human nature and the societal structures that shape our lives. Through the eyes of its protagonist, Lao Dao, we are invited to navigate the labyrinthine corridors of power and privilege, grappling with moral dilemmas and existential questions along the way. Lao Dao's journey from the underbelly of the city to its glittering heights serves as a poignant allegory for the pursuit of upward mobility in an unforgiving world.

What sets "Folding Beijing" apart is its ability to blend speculative elements with astute social commentary. Hao Jingfang seamlessly weaves together themes of class struggle, identity, and the human condition, inviting readers to contemplate the implications of technological advancement on our collective consciousness. By envisioning a future where societal divisions are magnified to their extremes, the novella serves as a cautionary tale, urging us to confront the disparities that plague our present reality.

Moreover, the richness of Hao Jingfang's prose and the depth of her characterizations elevate "Folding Beijing" to the realm of literary excellence. Each page brims with vivid imagery and thought-provoking insights, inviting readers to immerse themselves in a world that is at once familiar and foreign. Through her masterful storytelling, Hao Jingfang challenges us to reconsider our preconceptions about society, technology, and the human experience.

In conclusion, "Folding Beijing" stands as a testament to the power of speculative fiction to illuminate the complexities of our world. With its blend of imagination and insight, it offers readers a glimpse into a possible future while prompting us to reflect on the present. As we navigate the intricacies of this dystopian masterpiece, we are reminded of the enduring power of storytelling to provoke thought, inspire empathy, and spark change.




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