This isn’t a crime against fashion. It is an atrocity.

barry robinson
Read or Die!
Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2023
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

This rant is aimed at my countrymen as they are the ones, I usually see committing this atrocity.

For some obscure reason, whenever some Englishmen feel the sun on their bodies, they will don shorts to uncover their legs, but will insist on covering their feet with socks.

Now many of you will ask. “What is wrong with that?”

And I will reply. “Nothing at all, but why cover their feet with socks when they have bought footwear that is at least fifty per cent open to the elements?”

And, to make matters worse, they are not white sports socks, but black or blue socks worn on more formal occasions.

I have asked these perpetrators of this atrocity why?

The answer is always. “I don’t like to feel the sun on my feet.”

So why buy sandals?

There are plenty of other options

Would they buy a convertible car and then drive it with a tarpaulin over their heads?

I am aware that there may be men of other nationalities who commit this fashion atrocity.

So, we should all co-operate in dealing with this insult to the fashion industry.

Can anyone suggest a suitable punishment for these socks and sandal wearing sad people?

Perhaps they need our help. So do not be too harsh.

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