Unobtrusive JavaScript with jquery-ujs and Laravel

Barry vd. Heuvel
5 min readSep 19, 2015


jquery-ujs is a script, originally created for Ruby on Rails, to simplify common JavaScript actions and make it easier to execute RESTful actions through links. Even though it was created for Rails, it works perfectly with Laravel. It is described like this on the readme:

This unobtrusive scripting support file is developed for the Ruby on Rails framework, but is not strictly tied to any specific backend. You can drop this into any application to:

- force confirmation dialogs for various actions;
- make non-GET requests from hyperlinks;
- make forms or hyperlinks submit data asynchronously with Ajax;
- have submit buttons become automatically disabled on form submit to prevent double-clicking.

As many of you probably realized, Laravel took some inspiration from Rails and the RESTful Resource Controllers in Laravel are very similar to the routing in Rails. They also share the same concept for ‘faking’ the request method using a hidden _method field to make DELETE, PUT or PATCH requests through POST requests. So while the script name (rails.js) and it’s description might make it sound like it’s mainly useful for Rails, we can actually use this script in Laravel apps without any modification. This article gives a good tour of the functionality, but focuses on Rails. So in my blog post, we will focus on use with Laravel.

Note: This article focuses on Laravel 5, but most of this applies to all other frameworks using a _method field for PUT/PATCH/DELETE requests, like Silex, Symfony2 etc.

Unobtrusive JavaScript

jquery-ujs presents itself as ‘unobtrusive’. From the previously linked article:

The UJS in jquery-ujs stands for unobtrusive JavaScript. This is a rather broad term that generally refers to using JavaScript to progressively enhance the user experience for capable browsers without negatively impacting clients that do not support or do not enable JavaScript.

jquery-ujs wires event handlers to eligible DOM elements to provide enhanced functionality. In most cases, the eligible DOM elements are identified by HTML5 data attributes.

Most of the jquery-ujs functionality works by just adding a data-* attribute to an element. This means that for a lot of features, you don’t have to register any bindings in jQuery itself.


You can install it with npm, bower, mix it up with Elixir/Laravel Mix:

npm install --save jquery-ujsrequire('jquery-ujs'); 

Or just copy the src/rails.js file to your project and include it like any other script. Some functions will work right away, but for some you need to account for CSRF protection.

Handling CSRF Protection

In my last blog post I explained how CSRF protection works in Laravel and also showed how to use it with JavaScript. Luckily jquery-ujs doesmost of the work for us. All you have to do is add a csrf-token and csrf-param meta-tag to the head of your document.

<meta name="csrf-token" content="<?= csrf_token() ?>" />
<meta name="csrf-param" content="_token" />

This will set a X-CSRF-Token header on each XHR-request (for data-remote) and add a hidden _token field for the data-method requests.


Many examples are given in the wiki from the repository. A few highlights:


Before submitting a form or following a link, show a confirmation dialog, so you don’t accidentally delete the wrong item for example.

<form data-confirm="Are you sure you want to submit?">...</form>

Disable with

When you need to perform an action and the response take a little while, users may be tempted to click the button again. The disable-with function simply disables the submit button once it’s clicked, to prevent repeated actions.

<input type="submit" value="Save" data-disable-with="Saving...">

If you just want to disable the button without changing the text, just use data-disable instead.

POST/PUT/DELETE through links

As you probably know, Laravel uses a DELETE request to perform the destroy() method on the RESTful resource controller. This usually means you have to create a form with a hidden _method field set to DELETE. With jquery-ujs you can simply create a link with a data-method attribute. This get’s transformed into a DELETE request by jquery-ujs automatically.

<a href="..." data-method="delete" rel="nofollow">Delete this entry</a>

And of course you can combine multiple functions, to verify you actually need to remove that entry.

Making Ajax requests

With the data-remote option you can make a form (or link) perform it’s action as an Ajax request in the background.

<form data-remote="true" action="...">

If you want to handle the output, you can attach listen to custom events.

Real example with Laravel

A common action for an admin interface or CRUD-apps, is deleting an item from a row. You shouldn’t ever use a GET request to delete items, so a DELETE (or common POST if you like) would be better. Normally you would probably create a form with DELETE action and a submit button for each row and redirect the user back after the resource is deleted. Or you create you own JavaScript bindings to perform the DELETE request.

With jquery-ujs it’s easy to replace the form with a link, but you can also remove the entire row after deletion. Just add the link to each row (assuming we placing this in a table). We also add the confirm message to make sure you delete the right item.

<a href="<?= route('item.destroy', $id) ?>" class="destroy-btn" 
data-method="delete" data-remote="true"
data-confirm="Are you sure you want to delete entry #<?= $id ?>?">
Delete this entry

In the controller action (destroy() in the case of RESTful resourceful controllers), we can check if it was a regular request or a Ajax request and respond differently.

public function destroy(Request $request, $id) {
if ($request->ajax()) {
return $id;
return redirect()->back();

And now we just add an event listener to the Ajax request to remove the row of the link that was just clicked.

$('.destroy-btn').bind('ajax:success', function(e, data, status, xhr){
console.log("Deleted resource #"+data);

For more options, like extra parameters, data type etc., see the wiki.

That’s about it

I hope this gives you a good idea of how jquery-ujs could be useful for you. I use it in a lot of project to avoid having to write the same boilerplate JavaScript handlers and just because it’s easy to use. If you have a better approach or other feedback, please let me know!

Originally published at on April 11, 2015.



Barry vd. Heuvel

Webdeveloper from the Netherlands, mostly focused on PHP. Co-founder and lead developer @