Mr Turquoise
7 min readApr 25, 2018

The Great Mystery about DJ Qian and VeChain

Why do we like Cyrptocurrencies, blockchains: What do they offer us? To humanity? What is all this fuzz about?

Blockchains enable us to store our values, information in a distributed ledger without trusting a single entity.

Why do we even need distributed ledgers?

Because some people are not worthy of trust. I am not saying you shouldn’t trust anyone in the world but…there are always some bad apples everywhere

As investors and traders we are in this space, only because we think a “trustless system” is much better but also we invest in it because we think the humanity will like the idea of “trustless systems”

As mankind, we have observed for so many centuries that, governments, central banks, banks, banksters do lie. It must be not easy to not to be corrupted when you have too much power.

You know the ol sayin’

“Absolute power corrupts absolutely”

Everybody knows I am huge fan of Fusion. I have great faith in it. But also by experience I know that most important thing in investing is “Trust”. I will not invest in something I don’t trust even if it has a X100 potential.

So, although everything was ok for me, there was this issue that was coming up time to time about Dj Qian and Vechain.

Was he the creator or not? Was he lying? Or Vechain guys were lying?

I made a deep research and here is what I found;

Basically nobody is lying!

Yes, true. Nobody was lying but it is also true that some facts were not stated Let me explain;

Starting from the point where the debate started, DJ Qian was accused of false marketing and lying about “being the creator of VeChain and Qtum”

This photo seems the basis of the debate.

Dejun Qian is quoted as

- CEO and Founder of Bitse, created QTUM ,VeChain.

Some people may understand this as “Dejun Qian is the CEO and Founder of Bitse AND ALSO Dejun Qian created QTUM , VeChain.”

But here the punctuation does matter!

Here this sentence means: CEO and Founder of Bitse , Bitse being the creator of VeChain and QTUM.

Business Insider “ A guide to Proper Comma Use” defines this usage as — Use commas to offset appositives from the rest of the sentence.

For those who are not familiar with it , an example ;

Appositives act as synonyms for a juxtaposed word or phrase. “While running, I saw a mallard, a kind of duck.” “A kind of duck” is the appositive, which gives more information about “a mallard.”

If the appositive occurs in the middle of the sentence, both sides of the phrase need a comma. As in, “A mallard, a kind of duck, attacked me.”

So, it is obvious that some of us , didn’t pay attention during the grammar classes.

But there is more than a simple misunderstanding here. I felt some hostility against DJ Qian so I decided to look deeper.

I have checked VeChain’s Telegram group and there were, unbelievably, 111 times Fusion word used and I checked every message and reply.

In each case, some investor was asking if there was a relation between Dj and VeChain and the answer was all in line with their official announcement

“VeChain Foundation including all VeChain team members are in no way associated with the FUSION project or its team members in any form such as investment, partnership, collaboration.”

Be careful, this announcement is about present. It means “ NOW we have nothing to do with Fusion”. And it is obvious that Fusion has nothing to do with Vechain at the moment and it is also obvious that Dj Qian was not claiming that too.

So for now, Dj Qian doesn’t claim that Fusion has connection to VeChain and VeChain says they have nothing to do with Fusion. This is ok!

BUT, get your pop-corns, now it is getting exciting;

As we further read the anouncement, we find out that , some guys are not only bad at grammar but also not revealing the truth.

The official announcement goes on like this and we find a false statement.

“The VeChain project was started and always been led and operated by Sunny Lu. The VeChain project was then spun off legally and operationally and ran by the VeChain Foundation which then selected Sunny Lu as the General Secretary to continue leading the project.”

They seem to also claim that, they have never seen Dj Qian or even never knew him. And everything was done by Sunny Lu since the beginning.

But it is not the “absolute truth” because when you make a little digging , you get this photos!

Wow! If I am not mistaken at the back it says “VeChain S.E.A Signing Ceremony” and I am pretty sure that is DJ Qian on the front who is actually signing!!! And Sunny is on the left. 3rd guy standing up. He seems really insignificant to me,

Well, lets take a closer look at some other photos

If you look at these pictures and still agree that “The VeChain project was started and always been led and operated by Sunny Lu.” I think you might be too naive , as politely expressed :)

You can reach these photos at Pwc’s website.

It is obvious that DJ Qian was the main guy here and the background guys are just side extras. These are concrete evidences for me . But if you still have doubts and you still think that maybe DJ Qian just quickly sat down at the chair and took a photo with PWC guy. Here is another concrete evidence

A Video on VeChain Official Launch Day,

DJ Qian starts the speech “ I am Bitse’s Co-Founder& CEO, DJ Qian”

I don’t see Sunny Lu objecting to these statements as well.

Also at 4:20 minute DJ Qian calls Sunny to the stage and saya “Now join me in welcoming our Co-Founder& COO Sunny Lu”. Sunny Lu doesn’t object and starts his conversation. Now, as far as I know, CEO is a higher rank than COO, am I right?

Further investigation brings more evidence that Sunny Lu has been bending the truth .

Here is a video DJ Qian talks about VeChain long before VeChain ICO on Discovery Channel. I can’t see Sunny Lu anywhere.

These are easy to find evidence all over the internet, just a quick googling would be fine. On the other hand, DJ also mentions that

-He has implemented some codes in VeChain himself

- He has registered the website for VeChain himself

- He has a official filed patent for VeChain.


There is obviously a bending of the truth by Sunny Lu or VeChain

- Both sides agree that RIGHT NOW , AT the MOMENT there is no relation of Fusion and VeChain. And that has never been the claim by DJ Qian.

- DJ claims to be the CEO of Bitse which incubated both VeChain and Qtum. Hard Evidence of photos and Video support that claim.

- VeChain/Sunny Lu is manipulating the fact that DJ Qian was actually in the project, at least at the beginning of it, by just using simple word tricks like “ Recently we don’t have any relation to Fusion”. This is not lying but obviously not revealing the whole truth as well.

If you say “Steve Jobs has nothing to do with iphone, right now” depending on the fact that Steve has passed away and has nothing to do with iphone right now , would you be making a true statement? Of course , a big NO!

I won’t buy it , as I won’t buy “Sunny Lu has been leading since beginning of Vechain” after I see this photos, sorry guys.

Once a liar, always a liar. If I find out a lie in an ICO , I leave it immediately. It is your choice, it is your money, you can still keep yours.

I am terribly sorry that people can be manipulated so easily.

Fusion , believe or not , is the next Ethereum like revolution. It is the redefinition of digital currency for financial transactions and will have a huge impact on the space. Very soon , these debates will just be meaningless.

With the originality of codes, strong partnership with Goldman Sachs guys or Dubai or Nasdaq network connections…

By Q3 we will be ready to operate on many blockchains and having billions, billions of dollars actually trading on the platform. Ready for cyrptofinance world.

Soon , when everything is up and running, we will look back to these days and say ;

We didn’t needed shillers, we didn’t need any smear from ex projects, we just knew it;

We are just fine

We are just fine

Thank god almighty , we are just fine!