Where is the value that has not been discovered yet about Fusion

Mr Turquoise
4 min readMay 9, 2018


Everybody is looking for the next Ethereum run. We want to invest 100 bucks and it will be 400.000 usd. But have you ever thought what was the reason behind that run? If you really find out the next ETH run , you should have a solid understanding of why ETH performed very well.What was the reason behind it? Do you think it is just marketing? Absolutely not!

Lets examine, what is making big money…

Before ETH, it was all Bitcoin. It was the idea of blockchain etc, you know the story. Bitcoin was a transformation from fiat currency to digital currency, first of its kind. It was a revolution , so it made fortunes for that lucky bastards who hold on to their Bitcoins. I am jealous of them. It was a idealogical revolution.

But, something changed with the arrival of ETH. It was also a digital asset but the main thing that made that huge gains was the Smart Contract idea. It the transformed “digital asset” into something that can be transformed into any shape the user wants to . It was like invention of digital check. It was a redefinition. It was also a idealogical revolution.

After BTC or ETH, we have seen so many replicas of them. Some even did performed better than BTC or ETH but they never succeed as Bitcoin or ETH did. Because they didn’t have anything original. The market rewarded the revolutionary idea while gave almost nothing to replicas, so to say.

Now we have Fusion, with a revolutionary idea.

People haven’t noticed it yet. Still , some ICO Reviewers took a look at it but didn’t see the hidden gem. They didn’t see the revolutionary idea behind it. Probably because they have IT background.

Let me explain to you,

Briefly, just like ETH transformed “digital assets” into “digital checks” that you can custom the date or the terms of execution. Fusion is transforming the “digital assets” into “ digital bonds” “ digital loans” “digital equities” “ digital discounted cash flows”. Simple is that. This is also an idealogical revolution.

Loans, bonds, Treasury bills , these instruments are all calculated and traded on a financial logic. That logic is “ Discounting the future cash flows into today and adding them up” . That’s the way how a bond, loan, bill or any financial asset is valued. If you don’t have a token, that naturally you can define it as a sum of “ discounted cash flow series” , that coin is worthless in Finance. This is what Ian Balina doesn’t know while shilling Wanchain. If he had spend long hours valuing bonds, cash flows like I did, you would have seen that Fusion has the right tool to do it.

While there are many competitors in the Cryptospace who want to replace the Financial Infrastructure of the CryptoFinance. Only Fusion’s token has the right Token to do so.

To be the CryptoFinancial infrastructure, one blockchain has to be interoperable. That is a must. It is necessary but not sufficient. The token should be defined and made properly.

What others don’t have the right token. Fusion has it!

Fusion token , is going to be such a way that, it will enable time or event triggers. Which is a must for fixing interest rates , Options, insurance events or almost any financial event. An option will always have a condition like “ If BTC trades above 10.000 usd” then I will have the right to but Bitcoin at @9.500 usd, for example. This is an event trigger.

Or lets talk about bonds, loans; I will try to keep it simple as I can.

Suppose , you will have 100 Usd in a years time ( Flow A). And another 100 usd in 2 years time( Flow B) , another 100 usd after 3 ( Flow C )years time. And also interest rates in the economy is %10 ( too high just for the sake of example)

Flow A will worth : 90 usd today. You have to discount 100 usd by %10 interest per year ( 1 year time trigger)

Flow B: will worth: 81 usd today. Because there are two period to discount. We discount them twice ( 2 year time trigger)

Flow C: will worth 74 usd today. As we discount 100 usd for 3 times

So totally a cash flow like this will worth 90+81+74=245 usd.

You can exchange this Cash Flow with 245 usd. These are the same things.

That what banks do when they give you the loan. They price it like this. They give you 245 usd, and expect 100 usd each year for the next 3 years.

Fusion token will naturally will have this discounted cashflow pricing mechanism embedded into its native token.

That’s why Fusion is so big.. It doesn’t matter what alliances you make or what connections you have. It doesn’t matter how many shiller say it is gonna X1000, if you don’t have the right tool. It is just hype!

Fusion is the CyrptoFinance token to rule all financial transactions.

If you look at Fusion’s WP, you will find out where there is a huge gap in finance. And also realize that ordinary tokens or coins can not fill that gap without having tokens specially designed for it.

