Dajia Mazu Taiwan

Bart LEE
Jun 2, 2023


Dajia Mazu International Festival is a 9-day-and-8-night event. People follow Dajia Mazu to visit temples and communities along the way to Singang, Chiayi County, Taiwan.

The round-trip pilgrimage is up to 330 KM. I did my first attempt to walk the whole trip in 2023. I did not follow the detail routes which Dajia Mazu visits. I chose the shortest route of 210 KM. I walked along the main routes and skipped the tours around communities.

It was a real challenge for me even though I picked the modified route. I was grateful I achieved my first attempt with the help from local people along the trip.

betel nuts
It is 3 a.m. when the baby is crying and other followers are sleeping on the floor.
People with young babies at home always ask to have a nipple from the God of Prince Third, 三太子。People believe the nipple has magic power to comfort babies and make them grow up safely.
Be mild, please.

