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16th Century Profanities

Kylie Parsons 🌞
2 min readFeb 6, 2024


Curse words we should bring back in modern times.

If you’re looking for a serious, informative post, this isn’t it! This article is for entertainment value only!

I was recently working on a manuscript where the storyline flashed back to approximately the 16th century.

Naturally, this meant my character’s vocabulary had to be adjusted to suit the timeframe. I certainly wasn’t about to start writing Shakespeare, but I did need to give my characters a 16th-century ‘flavour’ to the language they use.

The thing is, some of my characters tend to toss profanities about quite frequently.

So, I had to look into what swear words were being bandied about in the 16th century. What I discovered was so entertaining, that I decided to share what I learned with you!

Interesting Observation

First, I would like to share a shocking discovery.

Two very common profanities used today were also used during the 16th century; only not as swear words. Instead, they were used in a more literal sense.

1. The commonly used ‘F’ word was just another expression for having ‘coitus’ in the 16th century. (Big Bang fans out there will possibly have a giggle at the word ‘coitus’ too).



Kylie Parsons 🌞

An aspiring author who loves writing, reading and laughing!