“Hole 9 AXA Course green” by Vidbynäs Golf Club is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Any Advice For Chipping Near The Hole?

2 min readMay 19, 2020

There comes a time in a golfer’s life when increasingly they hit the ball well, don’t go OB that much, make decent contact and putt competently. The way to lower scores then becomes all about the short game. So how should you chip it closer to the hole? I have 5 points for you to consider:

  1. Get really good with one or two clubs

Jack Nicklaus pretty much used his sand-wedge around the green during his career to great effect. It is not a bad idea to choose a more lofted club — say a 56 or a 60, and then a pitching wedge — then get really good with those. The higher lofts can be used from bunkers and for higher pitch shots, and the PW can be used to run the ball.

2. Get used to picking a spot to land the ball and visualize the shot. Always visualize the shot going in the hold and do so in as much detail as you can. That is the goal after all. No successful shot can be hot without seeing it in your head first.

3. Play the shot you are comfortable with on the course. It is fine to practice anything but take your most reliable shots to the course. Lower loft generally means a more reliable shot that rolls out. Pitches go higher with higher spin but overall requires a bit more skill. Shot selection is important — no need to play a high-risk high skill shot unless you are forced to.

4. Watch everything you can by the great short game players — the Luke Donald Mizuno series on YouTube is excellent, likewise, Phil Mickelson's The Secrets of the Short Game and the ultimate handbook is probably Dave Pelz’s Short Game Bible.

5. Practice! No question, this is a skill but the great thing about the short game is that it is about solid fundamentals and finesse. Anyone can develop a world-class short game.

Hope this short introduction helps!

