The Obstacle is the Way: Navigating Life’s Obstacles through Martial Arts

Sensei Bas
2 min readJul 6, 2023

Have you ever heard the phrase, “The Obstacle is the Way”?
Let’s explore how martial arts can help us understand this concept.

Don’t worry. This isn’t about fighting; it’s about life!

In the martial arts world, we learn this idea called “pathways.”

Imagine this: you’re in a martial arts class, aiming to hit your opponent’s head. The head is always the thing hardest to reach and best defended.

So, what do you do? Well, you start by hitting what’s closest — the hand!

By focusing on the nearest obstacle (in this case, the hand), you create a pathway toward your ultimate target (the head).

It’s like solving a puzzle, one step at a time. You hit the hand, then the arm, and continue until the head naturally becomes an open opportunity.

Now, let’s apply this idea to our everyday lives.

Life is full of obstacles.
It could be a complex math problem, a disagreement with a friend, or a personal challenge you’re facing. Instead of getting overwhelmed, we can learn from martial arts and find our paths to success.



Sensei Bas

Hey I'm Bas 👋 I write about Self-Improvement, Business, philosophy and Metaphysics