Web3 UX: 2. Wallets

Başak Uğur Önem
10 min readAug 7, 2024


a futuristic image of a wallet representing web3 wallets

So, you decided to explore some Web3 apps or websites, and you keep encountering the Connect Wallet button. You can’t do anything without connecting a wallet, yet you don’t own one or even know what it is. Today, we’re going to fix that. Our topic is “Wallets.”

This is the second article of my series, “Web3 UX.” If you missed the first article: Breaking Barriers: Why Blockchain Needs a User Experience Overhaul Now, you can read it here. Additionally, the first article of this series: Web3 UX: 1. Blockchain Principles can be found here.

By making complex topics related to web3 and blockchain simple and clear, I hope to provide valuable insights and practical tips for designers who want to improve the Web3 experience for everyone.

What This Article Covers:

  • The basics of cryptography and its key concepts
  • The role of public and private keys in blockchain transactions
  • How wallets function and their key features
  • Different types of wallets
  • Backup methods
  • Cryptography’s role in securing wallets
  • The current state of user-friendly and secure blockchain applications
  • Use cases and enhanced user experience with public and private keys
  • Important details for newcomers to keep their wallets secure
  • Key points UX designers should know when designing for Web3 wallets
A clean and sleek representation of cryptography in a futuristic style. The image features translucent, iridescent elements like keys and locks with subtle rainbow-like reflections. Set against a minimalistic background, it highlights a digital environment, conveying the advanced technology and security aspects of cryptography.

Basics of Cryptography

Cryptography is the practice of securing information by transforming it into an unreadable format, only accessible to those who possess a specific key. It’s fundamental to blockchain technology, ensuring the security and integrity of transactions.

Key Concepts:

  • Encryption: Converts plain text into an unreadable format (ciphertext) using an algorithm and a key.
  • Decryption: Converts ciphertext back to plain text using the correct key.
  • Hashing: A process that converts data into a fixed-size string of characters, which is unique to the input data.
A clean and sleek representation of public and private keys in a futuristic style. The image features translucent, iridescent keys with subtle rainbow-like reflections, symbolizing security and cryptography. The public key is shown as an accessible key, while the private key appears secure and guarded. The design emphasizes high-tech aesthetics, set against a minimalistic digital background, conveying the concept of secure access and encryption.

Public & Private Keys

Public and private keys are cryptographic tools essential for blockchain transactions.

Public Key: A public address visible to everyone, used to receive funds.
Private Key: A secret key known only to the owner, used to sign transactions and access funds.

The relationship between the two ensures that while anyone can send transactions to a public key, only the holder of the corresponding private key can access and manage those funds.

How Wallets Function

A wallet in the context of blockchain is a digital tool that stores your public and private keys, manages your cryptocurrency balances, and facilitates transactions.

Key Functions:

  • Store Keys: Keeps your public and private keys safe.
  • Manage Balances: Shows the amount of cryptocurrency you own.
  • Facilitate Transactions: Allows you to send and receive cryptocurrency.

There are three types of wallets:

  1. Software Wallets
  2. Hardware Wallets
  3. Paper Wallets

Each type offers different features and levels of security. In this section, we’ll explore the specifics of each wallet type, including their descriptions, examples, security aspects, and usage scenarios. We’ll also cover the best practices for backing up each type of wallet to ensure your cryptocurrency remains safe and accessible. Whether you’re looking for convenience, high security, or long-term storage, understanding these wallet types will help you choose the best option for your needs.

  1. Software Wallets

Description: Digital wallets that run on software. They can be further divided into desktop, mobile, and online wallets.
Examples: MetaMask, Mycelium.
Security: Generally secure but vulnerable to malware and hacking if the device is compromised.
Usage: Convenient for frequent transactions and daily use.

Backup Methods:
a. Wallet File:
Some wallets allow you to back up the wallet file, which contains your keys.
b. Seed Phrase: Most modern wallets provide a 12–24 word seed phrase during setup. This phrase can be used to recover your wallet.

Steps to Backup:
1. Locating the Backup Option
: In the wallet application, the user should look for a “Backup” or “Settings” menu.
2. Exporting The Wallet File: If the wallet uses a wallet file, the user should follow the instructions to export and save it securely.
3. Writing Down The Seed Phrase: If they’re using a seed phrase, the user should write it down on paper, ensuring it is written correctly and in the correct order.

2. Hardware Wallets

Description: Physical devices that store private keys offline.
Examples: Ledger Nano S, Trezor.
Security: Highly secure as they are immune to online hacking.
Usage: Ideal for storing large amounts of cryptocurrency for long periods.

Backup Methods:
a. Seed Phrase: During the initial setup of a hardware wallet, it will generate a seed phrase. The user should write it down on the provided recovery sheet or a piece of paper.
b. Secure Storage: The user should create multiple copies of the seed phrase. The user should store these copies in secure places, such as a fireproof safe or safety deposit box.

3. Paper Wallets

Description: Physical pieces of paper with your private and public keys printed on them.
Security: Secure from online threats but can be damaged, lost, or stolen.
Usage: Good for long-term storage but not practical for frequent transactions.

Backup Methods:
a. Creating Multiple Copies:
When generating a paper wallet, the user should print multiple copies.
b. Laminating:
The user should consider laminating the paper to protect it from water damage and wear.
c. Secure Storage: The user should store the copies in secure places, such as a fireproof safe or safety deposit box, and they should never share their paper wallet with anyone they don’t fully trust.

Cryptography’s Role in Wallets

Cryptography ensures that:

  • Transactions are secure: Only the private key holder can authorize transactions.
  • Funds are protected: Even if a public key is known, funds cannot be accessed without the private key.
  • Integrity is maintained: Transactions cannot be altered once they are added to the blockchain.

Current State: User-Friendly and Secure

Today, blockchain applications leverage these advancements to provide a much more user-friendly and secure experience. Users no longer need to manually enter their private keys for each transaction. Instead, they benefit from:
- Automatic Signing: Wallets handle the signing process in the background using securely stored private keys.
- Convenient Authentication: Users authenticate transactions using passwords, PINs, or biometric methods.
- Enhanced Security: Hardware wallets, multi-signature solutions, and secure elements protect private keys from unauthorized access and online threats.
These improvements have made blockchain technology more accessible and practical for everyday use, significantly enhancing the overall user experience.

Use Case: Blockchain-Based Payment App

A blockchain-based payment app allows users to send and receive cryptocurrency payments securely and efficiently without repeatedly entering their private key.

How Public and Private Keys Are Used with Enhanced UX:

  1. User Registration:
    - When a user registers for the payment app, the system generates a public and private key pair for them.
    - The private key is securely stored on the user’s device, often encrypted and protected by a password or biometric authentication (such as a fingerprint or facial recognition).
  2. Sending Payments:
    - The user initiates a transaction to send cryptocurrency to another user.
    - The app automatically uses the recipient’s public key to encrypt the transaction details.
  3. Transaction Signing:
    - Instead of entering the private key manually, the user authenticates the transaction using a more convenient method, such as:
    a. Password/PIN: The user enters a pre-set password or PIN to confirm the transaction.
    b. Biometric Authentication: The user uses fingerprint or facial recognition to authorize the transaction.
    The app then uses the stored private key to sign the transaction securely in the background.
  4. Broadcasting the Transaction:
    - The signed transaction is broadcast to the blockchain network.
    - Network nodes verify the digital signature using the sender’s public key, ensuring the transaction’s authenticity.
  5. Receiving Payments:
    - The recipient receives the encrypted transaction details.
    - They use their private key, stored securely on their device, to decrypt the information.
  6. Verification and Completion:
    - The transaction is added to the blockchain, providing a transparent and immutable record.
    - Both the sender and recipient can view the transaction details, ensuring transparency and trust.

User Experience Enhancements


  • The app uses encryption to store the private key securely on the user’s device, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA) can be implemented for an additional
    layer of security.
Coinbase letting the user know what is happening on every step, enabling the user to know what is happening.
Coinbase letting the user know what is happening on every step, enabling the user to know what is happening.


  • Users authenticate transactions with simple, familiar methods (password, PIN, or biometrics) instead of entering the private key each time.
  • The app provides clear, step-by-step guidance during the transaction process to ensure users understand what is happening.
Confirmation screen from Coinbase, informing the user about the fees, the tranaction they are doing to ensure transparency.
Confirmation screen from Coinbase

Trust and Transparency:

  • The app displays confirmation screens showing the transaction details before the user finalizes the transaction.
  • Users receive notifications when transactions are successfully signed, broadcast, and verified, providing reassurance that the process is secure and complete.
  • By implementing these user-friendly methods, the payment app ensures that users can perform secure transactions conveniently without repeatedly entering their private keys, enhancing both security and user experience.

What UX Designers Should Know About Wallets in Web3

As a UX designer working in the Web3 space, it’s crucial to understand how wallets function and how to design interfaces that facilitate a smooth and secure user experience. Here are some key points and best practices to keep in mind:

User Onboarding

  • Simplifying the Setup Process
    Guided Tours: Provide step-by-step guides or interactive tutorials to help users set up their wallets.
    Clear Instructions: Use simple language and visuals to explain complex concepts like seed phrases and private keys.
  • Seed Phrase Management
    Emphasize Importance: Clearly communicate the importance of writing down and securely storing the seed phrase.
    Confirmation Step: Include a step where users must re-enter their seed phrase to ensure they have recorded it correctly.
  • Best Security Practices
    Two-Factor Authentication: Encourage the use of two-factor authentication (2FA) to enhance security.
    Strong Passwords: Prompt users to create strong, unique passwords.

User Experience

  • Ease of Use
    Intuitive Interfaces:
    Design interfaces that are easy to navigate, even for users who are new to blockchain.
    Consistent Design: Maintain a consistent design language throughout the wallet to avoid confusion.
  • Transaction Transparency
    Clear Transaction Details: Provide clear and detailed information about each transaction, including fees, recipient address, and transaction status.
    Real-Time Updates: Show real-time updates on transaction statuses to keep users informed.
  • Feedback and Error Handling
    Immediate Feedback: Provide immediate feedback for user actions, such as confirming a transaction or generating a new address.
    Error Messages: Use clear and helpful error messages to guide users in case of mistakes or issues.

Security and Trust

  • Visual Cues
    Security Indicators: Use visual indicators (like icons or color changes) to show that certain actions are secure or verified.
    Trust Signals: Include trust signals, such as endorsements or security certifications, to build user confidence.
  • Privacy Considerations
    Data Privacy: Ensure that user data is handled securely and transparently.
    Anonymous Transactions: Allow users to understand and control their privacy settings, explaining how their data is used.

Cross-Platform Consistency:

  • Responsive Design
    Mobile and Desktop:
    Ensure that the wallet interface is responsive and functions well on both mobile and desktop devices.
    Consistent Experience: Maintain a consistent user experience across different platforms to reduce learning curves.
  • Interoperability
    Cross-Platform Access: Enable users to access their wallets from multiple devices seamlessly.
    Synchronization: Ensure that wallet data is synchronized across devices, providing a unified experience.


  • Inclusive Design
    Accessibility Features:
    Incorporate features like screen reader compatibility, high-contrast modes, and text resizing to make the wallet accessible to all users.
    Language Options: Provide multiple language options to cater to a diverse user base.
  • User Education
    Educational Resources: Offer educational resources and FAQs to help users understand blockchain concepts and the functionalities of their wallet.
    Community Support: Create forums or community support channels where users can ask questions and share knowledge.

Important Details for Newcomers

Private Key Safety: Never share your private key. Losing it means losing access to your funds.
Backup: Always back up your wallet. Store backups in multiple secure locations.
Security Practices: Use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication where possible.
Beware of Scams: Only use trusted wallets and exchanges. Be cautious of phishing attacks.
Regular Updates: Keep your software wallets updated to protect against vulnerabilities.

Suggested Wallets to Explore

To get hands-on experience with Web3 wallets, here are some popular options you can explore:

  • Binance: One of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges, offering a wallet service that allows you to store and manage your digital assets securely.
  • 1inch: A decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator that offers a user-friendly wallet for managing your crypto assets and interacting with various DEXes.
  • MetaMask: A widely-used browser extension wallet that allows you to interact with Ethereum-based applications directly from your browser.
  • Coinbase: A well-known cryptocurrency exchange with an easy-to-use wallet app for storing and managing your crypto assets securely.

Visiting these platforms will give you a better understanding of the different types of wallets and their functionalities. Each wallet offers unique features and interfaces, providing valuable insights into the user experience of Web3 wallets.


Understanding the basics of cryptography, how wallets function, and the different types of wallets is crucial for anyone new to the blockchain space. By following these guidelines and best practices, you can ensure your cryptocurrency is secure and accessible, providing a strong foundation as you navigate the world of Web3. For UX designers, incorporating these principles into your designs will help create user-friendly wallet interfaces that enhance the overall user experience.

In the next post, we will dive into consensus mechanisms, which are fundamental to how blockchain networks operate. These mechanisms ensure that all transactions are verified and agreed upon by the network, maintaining the integrity and security of the blockchain. Stay tuned to learn more about how consensus mechanisms work and their critical role in the Web3 ecosystem. All suggestions, quetions and feedback is appreciated as always! Your input will help shape future articles to meet your needs and interests better.

Thank you for reading, and welcome to the world of Web3 UX!



Başak Uğur Önem

Web3 Product Designer | Crafting User-Centric Experiences for the Decentralized Future 🌐 | Let's Shape Tomorrow's Digital Landscape! 🔮