The Best Quick Guide for Buying Quality Aluminum Bleachers in 2020

2 min readMar 19, 2020


Choosing the right ‘fit’ is crucial for buying quality aluminum bleachers.

If you have a heavy set of spectators, you need the perfect bleachers. An exceptional variety of aluminum bleachers are available these days, offering various choices for buyers. With a proper analysis of spectators, you can responsibly select the right aluminum bleachers.

Let’s get started.

What is the spectator count?

Assuming 18” width per person, you can select the bleachers accordingly. Whether you need 3-row, 4-row, 5-row or 10-row bleachers, the spectator count is what you should consider first.

Check the footprint you have to work with

Some would jump up and down, some would find it difficult — the people on the bleachers may come with varying characteristics. Therefore, you should check the footprint to choose the right width and the number of rows.

Type of bleachers

Which type of bleachers is suitable for your audience? Elevated bleachers, portable bleachers, and tip & roll bleachers are common varieties available. The anodized aluminum bleachers with welded frames are an ideal seating arrangement for any game or event.

Safe and standard bleachers

Explore the options of safe and standard bleachers that ensure a comfortable and reliable seating arrangement for the spectators. Not choosing the safest kind of bleachers can put a great risk.

Check for warranty coverage

One of the most prominent factors to evaluate a deal is the warranty coverage on the bleachers. Even if it is the sturdiest variety of all, you need a warranty on this product for an assured deal.



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