Pump my bags — ape in moon coins PART2

Mars Robertson
3 min readMar 26, 2021


Google image search: https://medium.com/cryptozoa/when-moon-when-lambo-665d46428a4c I actually, personally preordered CyberTruck and you can use my referral link.

As they say, everyone is a genius in the bull market.

Check the coins that I picked roughly a month ago.

Not all of them have a good point of entry anymore that’s why PART 2

Use that historical post as a reference FACT CHECK about the investment thesis.

Ultra low-cap 💎💎💎

And the actual use case and the actual product that I can understand.


You can farm it!
Cross-chain: https://bridge.deri.finance/
Non-anon team: https://deri.finance/team.html
Investors. Being included in the SushiSwap Onsen program is remarkable.


I like it because you can use your LP tokens as collateral to borrow money


And you can farm it:




And you can farm it:


They have loads of liquidity on Sushi:


$FSW (Falconswap)

They do quite a lot of things, I hope they will deliver.



Random dude on the internet shilling their bags

Your life is not my life

Your financial situation is not my financial situation.

Your risk tolerance.

Your crypto experience.

Your life goals.

Your life expectancy.

Your favorite food.

Your “ideal” partner.

There will be always another super-duper coin.

There will be always an opportunity cost of capital.

As a super-duper hyper-cyber financial advisor:

  • do not trust random dudes on the internet shilling their bags
  • always DYOR
  • risk management + taking profits
  • don’t invest money you cannot afford to lose
  • many eggs, many baskets
  • crypto, DeFi, farming: all very new, high risk, speculative

(some people learn the fastest through pain so if you get completely REKT that’s not an ideal outcome but at least you’ve learnt something)

You know my thesis

Now do me a favour, market buy, pump my bags:

Source: https://memegenerator.net/instance/74422968/crazy-stock-market-buy-buy-buy



Mars Robertson

Creative force multiplier. Effective altruism, exponential technologies. Rational game theory incentives.