
Welcome to this little corner of introspection.

Here I'm primarily talking about MBTI personality types, general psychology, Carl Jung and Jungian concepts, society, and other fun things.

Who I am:

Female ENFP millennial from Europe with an M.A. in Linguistics / English Literature / Philosophy (any other relevant boxes I should be in?) writing stuff for the giggles.

Expect some unusual questions, but also get comfy.


This is where I live (physically and metaphorically):

PS: The "MBTI" in the name might be misleading to some, but it’s an old name, a remnant from the days when I used to write only about MBTI.

Think of the name more as "Basic People". I'm still considering renaming myself, but it seems like a big step, as I'll have to correct all links in my articles manually (to a new subdomain).

PPS: You can also find me on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4UITcT1oylzg-s73YSYeUQ

Medium member since November 2023