Interviewing Your UX Interviewer:

Questions to ask the Design Manager during your interview

Amit Bassi
10 min readFeb 20, 2024

In a UX designer job interview, posing thoughtful questions is not just an expression of genuine interest but also a means to glean insights into the company’s work culture, expectations, and the unique challenges inherent to the role.

Experience underscores the importance of posing insightful questions when seeking a UX Design role. Demonstrating proficiency in asking the right questions during job interviews not only showcases interviewing skills but also the potential to extract crucial insights during user research interviews. Many designers, some perhaps unaware, have achieved success through adept questioning, highlighting its impact in securing positions within the field. Beyond expressing curiosity, the act of asking engaging questions during an interview communicates confidence and experience, positioning individuals to leave a positive and memorable impression.

Consider integrating these questions into your interview strategy to deepen your understanding of the role and exhibit genuine interest.

1. About the Team and Collaboration
— How is the UX team structured within the organization?
— Can you describe the collaborative dynamics between UX designers, developers, and other teams?
— How does the design team collaborate with product managers and stakeholders?

2. Design Process and Methodologies
— What design methodologies or processes does the team follow in projects?
— How is user research conducted, and how does it inform the design process?
— Can you describe a typical project lifecycle from ideation to implementation?

3. User-Centric Focus
— How does the company prioritize and maintain a user-centric approach in its design and development processes?
— Are there established mechanisms for collecting and integrating user feedback throughout the design process?

4. Tools and Technologies
— What design tools and technologies does the team currently use, and are there plans to explore new tools?
— How are version control and collaboration managed within the design team?

5. Challenges and Opportunities
— What are the current challenges the UX team is facing, and how does the company approach problem-solving in these situations?
— Are there any upcoming projects or initiatives that present exciting opportunities for the UX team?

6. Feedback and Iteration
— How does the company handle feedback and iterations during the design process?
— Can you share an example of a project where user feedback significantly influenced the final design?

7. User Testing and Validation
— How is user testing conducted, and how frequently are design assumptions validated with real users?
— Are there established KPIs or metrics used to measure the success of UX design?

8. Company Culture
— How would you describe the company’s overall culture, and how does it align with the values of the UX team?
— Are there opportunities for professional development and growth within the company?

9. Projects and Expectations
— Can you share more details about the types of projects the UX team typically works on?
— What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) used to evaluate the success of UX projects?

10. Client or User Base
— Who is the target audience or user base for the products or services the UX team works on?
— How does the company ensure inclusivity and accessibility in its design approach?

11. Future Vision
— What is the company’s vision for UX design in the future, and how does it fit into the overall company strategy?
— How does the company stay informed about industry trends and emerging technologies in UX design?

12. Work-Life Balance
— How does the company prioritize work-life balance, and what initiatives are in place to support employee well-being?

Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

13. What aspects of your role provide ongoing challenges and keep you engaged?
— Can you pinpoint specific projects or tasks that have posed ongoing challenges, and how have you navigated through them?
— Are there particular aspects of your role that have evolved, requiring continuous adaptation and learning?
— Could you share instances where you proactively sought out challenges to enhance your engagement in the role?

14. Could you share a recent team celebration experience and elaborate on its significance?
— Describe a memorable team achievement that prompted a celebration. What milestones were reached, and why was it considered a significant accomplishment?
— Can you recall a specific instance where the team overcame a major hurdle, leading to a celebration? What impact did it have on team dynamics and morale?
— Share a recent positive client feedback or project completion that resulted in a team celebration. How did it contribute to the overall work environment?

15. Envision an ideal workday where everything seamlessly falls into place. Describe the moment you feel in the flow, wearing a big smile. What represents the most significant leap of faith in this scenario?
— Paint a picture of a workday where all elements align perfectly. Can you recall specific tasks or projects where you experienced this state of flow and satisfaction?
— Describe a scenario where you took a significant risk or made a leap of faith in your work. What was the outcome, and how did it contribute to the overall success of the day?
— Share an experience where you embraced uncertainty or ventured into uncharted territory, and it led to a fulfilling and smile-inducing outcome.

16. Reflect on the company’s response to a recent “failure.” How did the organization react, and what valuable lessons were learned?
— Can you provide an example of a project or initiative that didn’t go as planned? How did the company respond, and what changes were implemented as a result?
— Share a situation where the company faced adversity or setbacks. What strategies were employed to address the failure, and what insights were gained from the experience?
— Reflect on a time when the company acknowledged a mistake openly. How did the transparency in addressing the failure contribute to the organization’s learning culture?

17. When faced with challenges, what proactive steps does the company take to encourage innovation and growth?
— Can you share instances where the company actively sought solutions to challenges, fostering an environment of innovation?
— Describe how the organization encourages employees to propose creative ideas or solutions when confronted with obstacles.
— Provide examples of initiatives or programs that have been implemented to stimulate continuous learning and professional growth during challenging times.

18. Differentiate between a graphic designer and a UX designer. What, in your view, are the main distinctions?
— Can you outline specific projects where the roles of a graphic designer and a UX designer diverged in terms of responsibilities and objectives?
— Share instances where a graphic designer’s focus on aesthetics and visual elements contrasts with the UX designer’s emphasis on user experience and functionality.
— Provide examples where the collaboration between graphic designers and UX designers led to successful and cohesive design outcomes.

19. How do you assess readiness for a [insert next level position] role in an individual?
— Describe specific criteria or competencies you consider when evaluating an individual’s readiness for a more advanced role within the team.
— Can you provide examples of successful transitions or promotions within the team? What factors were taken into account to determine an individual’s readiness?
— Share experiences where you mentored or guided team members toward career advancement. What indicators did you look for to assess their preparedness for the next level?

20. Share your initiatives to foster an environment conducive to innovation.
— Describe specific programs or initiatives you’ve implemented to encourage a culture of innovation within the team or company.
— Share instances where employees were empowered to contribute innovative ideas, and those ideas were successfully integrated into projects.
— Provide examples of how the company supports continuous learning and experimentation, contributing to an environment where innovation can flourish.

21. Discuss a project from the last 6 months:
— Can you share details about a recent mobile app development project, including how the idea originated, how priorities were set, challenges faced, and any adjustments made to the project scope or plan?
— Tell me about a UX/UI redesign project conducted in the past six months. How did the project begin, what were the key priorities, what challenges emerged, and were there any modifications to the initial plan?

22. Reiterate steps taken to cultivate an innovation-friendly workplace:
— Could you provide specific examples of initiatives or programs implemented to foster innovation within the team, such as hackathons, brainstorming sessions, or cross-functional collaborations?
— In terms of creating an innovation-friendly environment, can you share instances where the team was encouraged to experiment with new ideas, and how feedback loops were established to support continuous improvement?

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

23. Describe a recent instance where your company culture truly stood out:
—Share a specific event or achievement that showcased the company’s values and culture. How did employees come together to celebrate success or overcome a challenge?
— Narrate a recent team project or milestone where the company’s unique culture played a pivotal role in achieving success or fostering a collaborative and supportive environment.

24. Identify the top 3 vital skills that designers on your team require assistance in developing:
— What specific skills are currently identified as areas for improvement among your design team? For instance, is there a need for enhanced prototyping skills, proficiency in a particular design tool, or better collaboration capabilities?
— Can you highlight the top three skill areas where your designers may benefit from additional training or support, and how is the team currently addressing these skill development needs?

25. In the current scenario, what methods are employed for managing the design system:
— Share insights into the tools and processes used to maintain and update the design system. How is version control managed, and what strategies are in place to ensure consistency across projects?
— Can you provide examples of how the design system is actively utilized in ongoing projects, and how feedback from designers is incorporated to improve the system over time?

26. Could you elaborate on the ongoing generative and evaluative research practices within the team:
— Discuss recent instances where generative research methods, such as user interviews or surveys, were employed to inform the design process. What key insights were gained, and how were they applied?
— Explore recent evaluative research practices, such as usability testing or A/B testing. How were these methods used to refine existing designs, and what were the outcomes in terms of user satisfaction or product improvements?

27. How is collaboration between design and development currently structured and facilitated:
— Share experiences where design and development teams collaborated seamlessly on a project. What communication tools or methodologies were effective in ensuring a cohesive workflow?
— Discuss challenges faced in the collaboration process and how they were addressed. Are there specific practices in place to foster better understanding and communication between designers and developers?

28. How is the integration of UX into the Agile process managed at present:
— Provide insights into how UX activities are synchronized within Agile sprints. How are user stories created, and at what points in the development cycle does the UX team contribute?
— Share experiences where the integration of UX into Agile led to successful product outcomes. How are Agile ceremonies adapted to accommodate UX processes, and what adjustments have been made to enhance collaboration?

29. What is the typical workload for designers in terms of the number of projects they handle simultaneously:
— Discuss a scenario where designers successfully managed multiple projects simultaneously. What strategies were in place to prioritize tasks and maintain high-quality output across various projects?
— Explore instances where workload challenges were encountered. How does the team address potential burnout, and are there measures in place to ensure a balanced workload for each designer?

30. To what extent do teams possess autonomy in designing, building, and deploying their work:
— Describe a project where the design and development teams had a significant level of autonomy. How did this autonomy contribute to project success or innovation?
— Discuss any constraints or limitations on team autonomy and the rationale behind them. How does the organization balance
autonomy with the need for coordination and consistency across projects?

Photo by Alex Rosario on Unsplash

Product-Related Decision-Making Process:
31. Can you explain the current process for making product-related decisions within the organization?

Prioritizing Speed and Innovation vs. Slower, Meticulous Approach:
32. In your perspective, is it more advantageous to prioritize speed and innovation or to adopt a slower, more meticulous approach for stability and refinement? Why?

Addressing Technical Debt in the Development Cycle:
33. How often is technical debt addressed and refactored in the current development cycle?

Identifying Primary Competitors in the Market:
34. In your perspective, who stands out as your primary competitor in the market?

Significant Challenges for the Business:
35. What is currently identified as the most significant challenge for the business?

36. How is the impact of design quantified or assessed within the organization?

37. Could you outline the typical journey, including timeframes, from conceptualization to product launch?

38. In terms of this role, what criteria define success, and what does the performance review process entail within the company?

39. Before we conclude, are there any concerns or questions about my suitability for this role that I can address?

While numerous other questions could be included, I personally feel these are relevant, but I am still open to suggestions. Feel free to comment if any question is missed or can be added so others may learn from that too. These aren’t just valuable for candidates seeking a job; interviewers can also use them to prepare effectively.

PS: Make it a habit to thoroughly review the company’s website, understanding its goals and growth trajectory. Explore LinkedIn profiles of employees in your desired position for insights into competition and career advancement. Additionally, examine the interviewer’s profile, gaining insights into their knowledge, experience, and social activities. Analyzing their posts, comments, and acknowledgments provides a nuanced understanding. Prior preparation is crucial for interviews; inquire about their interests to establish a comfortable rapport. This meticulous groundwork not only showcases your dedication but also positions you as an informed and engaged candidate, significantly enhancing your chances of making a positive impression during the interview process.

Remember, asking questions is not only an opportunity to gather information but also a chance to demonstrate your curiosity, critical thinking, and alignment with the company’s values. Tailor your questions to the specific context of the organization and the details shared during the interview to further convey your genuine interest and commitment.

Best of luck in your interview, and may your preparation yield fruitful results. Professionals often encourage sharing insights, so don’t forget to hit the clap below if you’ve gained valuable knowledge from this post!



Amit Bassi

UX/UI designer, innovative entrepreneur, and growth-focused agripreneur.