Published inTabs & Spaces3 Alternatieven voor Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics voldoet niet aan de AVG en is mogelijk illegaal. Welke alternatieven zijn er als Analtytics niet meer mag? Hier onze top…Aug 30, 2022Aug 30, 2022
Why I write open source softwareI originally wrote this post in Dutch somewhere in may 2017.Dec 23, 2018Dec 23, 2018
Can Tinder make it easy to ‘stalk’ people?It’s all about the information that you share.Jan 27, 20162Jan 27, 20162
Should you still be building your own CMS?When I first started out as a webdeveloper I was a 100% for building your own CMS. And I felt like that for a long time. This was mainly…Aug 6, 20152Aug 6, 20152