Camberwell Schools And Educational Institutions

Discover the diverse educational landscape of Camberwell. This post explores primary, secondary, SEN, independent schools, and more to help you make informed choices.

Vince Simon
9 min readJul 8, 2024

Welcome to a journey through the educational landscape of Camberwell, where you’ll discover a variety of schools and institutions dedicated to fostering learning and growth. Whether you’re exploring options for your child or seeking more information about the area, you’ll find valuable insights that help you make informed decisions.

Discover the diverse educational landscape of Camberwell. This post explores primary, secondary, SEN, independent schools, and more to help you make informed choices.

Camberwell Schools And Educational Institutions

Welcome to the bustling and vibrant district of Camberwell! Whether you’ve just moved here or are considering relocation, the education of your children is a top priority. Camberwell, a well-known and cherished South East London area, not only boasts a rich history and diverse culture but is also home to many great educational institutions. From primary schools to higher education, both public and private, you’re bound to find an institution that matches your educational values and the needs of your family.

Primary Schools in Camberwell

John Donne Primary School

John Donne Primary School is a beacon of learning in Camberwell. Named after the famous poet John Donne, the school aims to instill a lifelong love of learning in each student. With a committed team of educators and a stimulating curriculum, John Donne Primary School seeks to develop each child’s academic abilities and personal growth.

Lyndhurst Primary School

Another excellent option for primary education is Lyndhurst Primary School. With its nurturing environment, this school emphasizes creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration among students. The faculty are passionate and dedicate themselves to fostering a well-rounded education that includes a strong emphasis on the arts and sciences.

Dog Kennel Hill Primary School

Dog Kennel Hill Primary School is notable for its inclusive and supportive educational environment. They are committed to ensuring that each child enjoys their educational journey while achieving their full potential. With emphasis on both academic and extracurricular activities, Dog Kennel Hill offers a balanced education that prepares students for their future.

Secondary Schools in Camberwell

Sacred Heart Catholic School

Sacred Heart Catholic School is renowned for its academic excellence and moral education. A faith-based institution, it combines rigorous academics with values-based learning. Sacred Heart focuses on producing not just knowledgeable students, but also responsible and compassionate citizens.

Harris Academy Peckham

Nearby Camberwell, Harris Academy Peckham stands out as one of the top-performing secondary schools. Part of the Harris Federation, the school is characterized by high academic standards and an array of extracurricular activities. Whether your child is interested in the sciences, arts, sports, or technology, Harris Academy offers opportunities for all.

St. Saviour’s and St. Olave’s School

A well-celebrated girls’ secondary school, St. Saviour’s and St. Olave’s School provides an inspiring and supportive community. It focuses on a broad and balanced curriculum that caters to the individual strengths of its students. With outstanding GCSE results and a supportive alumnae network, this school is a strong contender for your daughter’s education.

Camberwell Schools And Educational Institutions

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Special Educational Needs (SEN) Schools

Cherry Garden School

Cherry Garden School is dedicated to providing tailored education for children with severe learning difficulties. With specialist staff and customized learning plans, Cherry Garden ensures that every child receives the attention and resources they need to thrive educationally and socially.

Michael Tippett School

The Michael Tippett School is another establishment that excels in supporting students with special educational needs. With a focus on individualized learning and therapies, the school provides a supportive environment where students can develop their skills and confidence.

Independent Schools in Camberwell

The Villa Pre-Preparatory School

The Villa Pre-Preparatory School offers an exceptional start to your child’s educational journey. With small class sizes and a nurturing environment, this independent school focuses on individual attention and holistic development. The Villa ensures that each child’s early years are enriched with a blend of academic learning, creative exploration, and physical activity.

Dulwich College

Although located just outside Camberwell, Dulwich College is a prestigious choice for families seeking independent education. Renowned for its academic rigor and broad extracurricular offerings, the College prepares students meticulously for higher education and successful careers. Its extensive facilities, including laboratories, theaters, and sports fields, provide an all-rounded educational experience.

James Allen’s Girls’ School (JAGS)

JAGS is another well-respected independent school near Camberwell, offering first-rate education for girls. With a strong emphasis on academic excellence, the arts, and sports, JAGS provides a well-rounded education that empowers young women to excel in all fields.

Camberwell Schools And Educational Institutions

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Further Education and Sixth Forms

Camberwell College of Arts

Camberwell College of Arts, part of the University of the Arts London, is an excellent institution for those interested in pursuing further education in visual arts. With a rich history and state-of-the-art facilities, the College offers undergraduate, postgraduate, and short courses in a diverse range of art disciplines.

The Charter School East Dulwich Sixth Form

The Charter School East Dulwich Sixth Form offers a variety of A-Level courses and is known for its supportive environment and excellent results. It’s a popular choice for students looking to continue their education in a familiar, nurturing setting while exploring various academic paths.

City of London Academy Southwark

For those seeking a comprehensive sixth form experience, City of London Academy Southwark provides a diverse range of courses and a supportive learning environment. The Academy is renowned for its excellent educational standards and strong focus on personal development.

Adult Education and Vocational Training

Southwark College

Southwark College offers a variety of adult education and vocational training opportunities. Whether you’re looking to enhance your professional skills, change careers, or simply pursue a new hobby, Southwark College offers flexible schedule options to suit your lifestyle. Courses range from business and computing to creative arts and health care.

Morley College

Morley College, with campuses in both North and South London, offers an array of adult education courses. From academic qualifications to personal development sessions, Morley College is a great resource for lifelong learning. The College is known for its supportive environment and expert faculty who are dedicated to helping learners achieve their goals.

Camberwell Schools And Educational Institutions

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Extracurricular Activities and After-School Programs

Kids’ City

If you’re looking for after-school care, Kids’ City provides various programs that engage children in creative, fun, and educational activities. From arts and crafts to sports and homework help, Kids’ City ensures that after-school hours are as enriching as they are enjoyable.

The Kids’ Cookery School

For young chefs in the making, The Kids’ Cookery School offers engaging cooking classes that teach vital life skills while fostering a love for healthy eating. Through hands-on lessons in a safe, fun-filled kitchen environment, children learn to prepare nutritious and delicious meals.

Camberwell Gymnastics Club

Active children will benefit from the programs offered by the Camberwell Gymnastics Club. With classes for various age groups and skill levels, the club emphasizes fitness, agility, and teamwork. It’s an excellent way for children to stay active and develop athletic skills.

Supporting Your Child’s Educational Journey in Camberwell

Parental Involvement

Your involvement in your child’s education is crucial. Camberwell schools encourage an open line of communication between teachers and parents. Attending parent-teacher meetings and staying informed about school activities will help you better support your child’s learning journey.

Community Resources

Camberwell boasts a vibrant community that includes libraries, museums, and local parks, all of which can significantly complement your child’s education. Utilizing these resources can provide enriching experiences outside of the classroom that contribute to a well-rounded education.

Summary Table of Camberwell Educational Institutions

To provide a quick and easy reference, here’s a summary table of the main schools and educational institutions in Camberwell.

│ School │ Type │ Age Range │ Notable │ Location │
│ Name │ │ │ Features │ │
│ John Donne │ Primary │ 3-11 │ Inclusive │ Woods Road │
│ Primary │ │ │ Curriculum │ SE15 │
│ School │ │ │ │ │
│ Lyndhurst │ Primary │ 3-11 │ Creativity │ Friern │
│ Primary │ │ │ Focus │ Road SE22 │
│ School │ │ │ │ │
│ Dog Kennel │ Primary │ 3-11 │ Balanced │ Dog Kennel │
│ Hill │ │ │ Education │ Hill SE22 │
│ Primary │ │ │ │ │
│ School │ │ │ │ │
│ Sacred │ Secondary │ 11-18 │ Faith-Base │ Camberwell │
│ Heart │ │ │ d │ New Road │
│ Catholic │ │ │ │ SE5 │
│ School │ │ │ │ │
│ Harris │ Secondary │ 11-18 │ High │ Bellenden │
│ Academy │ │ │ Academic │ Road SE15 │
│ Peckham │ │ │ Standards │ │
│ St. │ Secondary │ 11-18 │ Girls Only │ New Kent │
│ Saviour's │ │ │ │ Road SE1 │
│ and St. │ │ │ │ │
│ Olave's │ │ │ │ │
│ School │ │ │ │ │
│ Cherry │ SEN │ 2-11 │ Specialize │ Macks Road │
│ Garden │ Primary │ │ d Learning │ SE16 │
│ School │ │ │ │ │
│ Michael │ SEN │ 11-19 │ Individual │ Heron Road │
│ Tippett │ Secondary │ │ ized │ SE24 │
│ School │ │ │ Learning │ │
│ The Villa │ Independen │ 2-7 │ Holistic │ Lyndhurst │
│ Pre-Prepar │ t │ │ Developmen │ Grove SE15 │
│ atory │ │ │ t │ │
│ School │ │ │ │ │
│ Dulwich │ Independen │ 7-18 │ Prestigiou │ Dulwich │
│ College │ t │ │ s │ Common │
│ │ │ │ Education │ SE21 │
│ James │ Independen │ 4-18 │ Empowering │ East │
│ Allen's │ t │ │ Education │ Dulwich │
│ Girls' │ │ │ │ Grove SE22 │
│ School │ │ │ │ │
│ (JAGS) │ │ │ │ │
│ Camberwell │ Further │ 18+ │ Visual │ Peckham │
│ College of │ Education │ │ Arts │ Road SE5 │
│ Arts │ │ │ │ │
│ The │ Sixth Form │ 16-18 │ A-Levels │ Jarvis │
│ Charter │ │ │ │ Road SE22 │
│ School │ │ │ │ │
│ East │ │ │ │ │
│ Dulwich │ │ │ │ │
│ Sixth Form │ │ │ │ │
│ City of │ Sixth Form │ 16-19 │ Comprehens │ Lynton │
│ London │ │ │ ive │ Road SE1 │
│ Academy │ │ │ Courses │ │
│ Southwark │ │ │ │ │
│ Southwark │ Adult │ 18+ │ Vocational │ Waterloo │
│ College │ Education │ │ Training │ Road SE1 │
│ Morley │ Adult │ 18+ │ Diverse │ Westminste │
│ College │ Education │ │ Courses │ r Bridge │
│ │ │ │ │ Road SE1 │

Each school represents a unique opportunity for your child to grow academically and personally in a vibrant and diverse environment.


Choosing the right educational institution can greatly impact your child’s future. Camberwell offers a range of schools and educational institutions that cater to diverse needs and preferences. From outstanding primary and secondary schools to specialized SEN institutions, independent schools, and further education colleges, Camberwell provides a comprehensive range of educational options for your family.

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Vince Simon

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