5 Acts of Kindness

Batool Fatima
2 min readAug 6, 2021


Acts of kindness surely goes a long way into improving someone else’s day. These acts need not be massive and hugely impressive but instead can be little things that we often do in our everyday life.

When I was thinking about my 5 acts of kindness, at first I thought well there really isn't much special that I did today but when I sat down to write I realized that the things that I do as part of my daily routine counts as kindness. Sure these are not huge but these little acts goes a long way.

  1. Giving my dad his medicine

Every day I give my dad his morning and night medicine and I make sure that he takes it on time.

2. Making tea for my brother

Whenever I make tea for myself I make one for my brother as well.

3. Making breakfast for my mother

Today I made breakfast- fried eggs- for my mom.

4. Refilling the water bottles

Refilling the water bottles is a task that none of my siblings like to do but today I made sure to refill the bottles all by myself.

5. Helping a friend

One of my friend needed some help with her work and I helped her.

