source: pixabay


7 min readNov 12, 2017



To some, they perceive energy as a continuous source that cannot be created or destroyed. Energy that is all around us, is being used for many different things and sometimes used very impractical and is misused. Moreover, there is a continuous problem of abusing energy and depleting the natural resources to harness energy. With the global climate change, we need to start to think outside of the box to offset extreme abuses and move toward maintaining a sustainable renewable energy. Understanding the capability of a better concept where energy can be created and can be destroyed, would help move us forward in changing its use. Think about energy as a life form and without it there is no life.

We know that energy can be contained in an embodiment which can be either artificial or biological. Thus, energy is creating a biological life form or an artificial life form. Having low energy or diminishing energy means that life may be failing or moving to an nonexistent state. The embodiment of the energy must be stable or viable in order to sustain the energy. For example, an elderly person may appear to be losing their energy that they once had at a youthful state. Another example, is when energy causes an explosion, because it’s containment can no longer hold it (i.e. nuclear explosion, gas explosion, etc). Clearly, we can say that energy can be destroyed when it is used up.

It can also be created when it is merged with another or if it is feeding off of a sustenance. For example, food is a sustenance for energy, but there are all types of food. There is food for the human body and food for the artificial containment. The sustenance is a form of regenerating energy and is, therefore, recreating new energy. When energy is merged with another, it would not be fair to state that it is of the original energy, when in fact it is a newly created energy for it is not in the same state of being.

Energy is a source that moves and it must interact with something in order for it to bear life. Then let’s assume that if there is no longer anything to interact with it, it will cease to exist. And because it is always moving, it can change its existence into something new creating a new type of energy. With this in mind, we can see the future differently. We can think outside of the box and think about energy being used in an imaginative way. Let’s imagine using energy from water and fire merging to create a new type of energy that I will call vapor energy that pushes with extreme force and generate movement as a way an engine moves cars and flying machines. So that in the future, we can use vapor energy as a source for moving objects and not just gasoline or electricity.


What we know about energy we may not see it as just energy, but instead as human consumption and dependencies. Looking at how heat is transferred is important to determining how energy should be managed. Energy can be transferred from one to another as a means of sharing, a means of survival, or a means of production. These transfers should be naturally managed to deter abuses in its use.

With the concept of deficiencies, the notion of energy moving from one source of a higher life form to a lower life form may take place. So that the lower life form, or sub-life form, may be completely dependent upon a higher life form that emits energy. For example, if you perceive that planets are in itself a life form we can see that the sun emits energy out on the earth making the earth dependent upon the heat of the sun for sustainable life. If such processes exist with natural animals, there may be animals that are dependent on other animals in order to survive. The dependent animal may need or feed off of the animal that has more energy; or that can provide energy for their sustainability. The lack of energy may cause the dependent life form to diminish, thus, dying at a more rapid state. With this, we can define the life form that can sustain or tolerate heat better may be the higher life source; for it is storing and emitting the energy.

The question of how to maintain and protect the energy source is presented. If everyone had access to take whatever amount of energy they want from the source, they would rapidly deplete the source resulting in killing that higher life form; consequently killing themselves by depriving themselves of what they need to survive. For example, let’s assume there were a lot of solar powered satellites out in space that was consuming 80% of the energy source, rapidly depleting it. Shouldn’t we find a way to protect the source and prevent these parasitical satellites from depleting it? Or should we foolishly believe that the source will remain strong indefinitely? To some, the answer will be better met, if they were the power source that was being depleted. Certainly they would want to protect themselves.

To put things in a different perspective, let’s imagine the future evolved into a better world. That people were individual energy sources with some having more than others for sustainability. Now, believe that only a few have exceptionally more energy power than most, resulting in people coming up with different ways to steal from the few. Remember, we are not talking about artificial objects, we are talking about biological beings who holds energy. So every time that higher person emits energy, there is a flock of lower persons feeding off of it not caring how much they are depleting the higher. But evolution took place and provided a security safeguard for such parasitical lower persons. As a defense mechanism, the higher source emits energy that is destructive to the lower recipients instead; thus preventing stealing and abuses. Handling energy does involve taking responsibility of ones own action. We must learn to manage energy positively and prevent abuses and misuses. What was given to one is not required to be given to all. We must learn to conserve the energy we individual possess as our own and not take from others. Depleting a higher life form source, such as a God, is like killing that life form; so don’t do it.


In summary, we developed a better understanding of what this theory on energy is and how it can be created. How we should be more responsible in maintaining it and we understand that it can be destroyed. We see that energy in itself is a life entity that has a life cycle, like all living things. So how do we live with it? How do we use it to protect ourselves? How do we have fun with it without hurting it? The answer to these questions comes from improving upon our understanding. Part of evolving is understanding what we do not know. If we remain ignorant, then our ignorance can destroy the most innocent of life and surely we reap what we sow; subsequently having a negative effect on our own lives.

Roughly speaking, the first thing we need to understand is how much energy a life form holds. Then we need to know how to replenish or regenerate that life form to keep it from dying and for it to maintain its viability. We know that batteries after a time dies out, so we created rechargeable batteries. It is with this concept we need to apply to all life sources.

We then need to understand how to contain and protect it. No one wants to be that batterie that everyone feeds off of. Therefore, these life sources shouldn’t be easily accessible and readily available for anyone with their parasitical behaviors to deplete it. These higher life forms are too valuable for anyone to get their hands on.

We need to understand how to use our own energy in a manner that stabilizes and conserves. Just imagine that we learned how to use our own energy to move objects and shape objects, by emitting just enough energy to do so. Emitting too much may cause an unstable energy reaction, resulting in a misshapen object or exploding the object that you were trying to move. So controlling our energy is important. To add, we wouldn’t need other energy sources to do those things.

Also, in the future, with analysis we may understand how the speed of energy may be used for various things. For example, does nuclear energy increase the energy that is in a living being, causing it to change its form? Like a microwave heating up popcorn or cooking something to the extreme that it overflows or melts like the way cheese melts. If indeed nuclear energy can heat up a human body causing the skin to burn and the components of the body to react to the heat and then changing its form; it can be safe to say that it is pushing the components to its extremity. Now, let’s assume that there was a way to allow for flexibility of the pushing of the components; where the body had some sort of elasticity to it and endurance to the heat. So that the heat from the nuclear energy instead of destroying, reshapes the components and forms a different form, visually, seen as another kind of human being. So that instead of burning a human being, the nuclear energy causes extreme conditions that makes the body for example, grow longer hair, darkens or lightens the skin, grows the bone structure or allows the bone structure to stretch and reshape itself at will. This endurance to nuclear energy would be from natural manipulation of increasing or decreasing heat or changing its frequency speed from the energy source. To sum up, we would be able to endure and use the nuclear energy source to reconstruct our own personal state of being.

The future of energy is life and life is what you make it.




I am a self-published author who loves to write on inspiring genres.