The Hand-and-a-Half Sword: A Symbol of Versatility and Power in Medieval Warfare.

The Bastard Sword: A Symbol of Versatility and Power.

Battling Blades
3 min readDec 1, 2023

Emerging in the late 14th century, the hand-and-a-half sword, also known as the Bastard sword, captivated the world with its versatility, power, and historical significance. Its unique ability to be effectively wielded with either one or two hands defied traditional sword classifications, making it an adaptable and formidable weapon in the hands of skilled warriors.

Origins and Evolution

The hand-and-a-half sword emerged as a response to the evolving battlefield tactics of the late 14th century. As plate armor transitioned from heavy, cumbersome pieces to lighter, more flexible forms, the need for a weapon that could adapt to both close-quarters combat and ranged attacks became apparent. The hand-and-a-half sword, with its balanced length and weight, proved to be the ideal solution.

The name “Bastard sword” often sparks misinterpretations, leading some to believe it carries a derogatory connotation. However, the name’s origins are purely descriptive, stemming from the sword’s ability to defy conventional classifications, bridging the gap between one-handed longswords and two-handed greatswords.

Characteristics and Design

A typical hand-and-a-half sword measured around 40–45 inches in length and weighed approximately 3–4 pounds. Its double-edged blade, slightly narrower than that of a greatsword, allowed for both powerful swings and precise thrusts. The hilt, designed to accommodate both one-handed and two-handed grips, provided the flexibility needed for diverse combat scenarios.

Combat Techniques

The hand-and-a-half sword demanded a diverse range of techniques to maximize its effectiveness. One-handed fighting emphasized quickness and agility, employing overhead chops, thrusts, and parries to fend off opponents. Two-handed techniques unleashed devastating power, utilizing overhead cleaves, deep thrusts, and pommel strikes to incapacitate foes.

One unique technique, known as half-swording, involved gripping the blade near the point, transforming the sword into a formidable close-quarters thrusting weapon. This technique was particularly effective in situations where space was limited.

Renowned Figures and Their Bastard Swords

Throughout history, the hand-and-a-half sword has been the weapon of choice for legendary figures who demonstrated exceptional skill and prowess with this formidable instrument.

  • William Wallace: The Scottish hero, William Wallace, famously employed a hand-and-a-half sword in his battles against English forces. His sword, known as the Wallace Sword, is said to have been over five feet long and weighed around seven pounds.
  • King Richard III: The last English king of the House of Plantagenet, King Richard III, was known for his mastery of the hand-and-a-half sword, wielding it with both courage and determination. His sword, known as the King Richard III Sword, was discovered in 2013 and is now on display at the Richard III Museum in Leicester, England.

Legacy in Popular Culture

The hand-and-a-half sword’s legacy extends beyond its historical significance, becoming an iconic symbol in popular culture. It appears in numerous works of fantasy literature, video games, and films, often wielded by valiant heroes or formidable villains.

In fantasy literature, hand-and-a-half swords are frequently the weapons of choice for protagonists, such as Conan the Barbarian and Drizzt Do’Urden. Their versatility and power make them ideal tools for overcoming challenges and defeating adversaries.

In films, hand-and-a-half swords have been immortalized in scenes of epic battles and duels. Their imposing presence and association with legendary figures have made them a popular choice for filmmakers seeking to portray action and heroism.

Conclusion: Swords Forged in Timeless Brilliance

The hand-and-a-half sword emerges as a beacon, showcasing the brilliance and artistry of medieval swordsmiths. Crafted with precision, these swords embody not only versatility and power but also bear profound historical significance. Their enduring legacy resonates across generations, captivating the minds of warriors, enthusiasts, and storytellers alike. These hand-and-a-half swords stand as potent symbols of strength, skill, and adaptability, leaving an indelible mark on the annals of sword history and popular culture.



Battling Blades

Battling Blades is a leading online retailer of high-quality knives, swords, and other bladed weapons.