3 min readJan 15, 2018

Don’t Let a Daunting Skills List Keep You from Applying For the Job

Do you still think that you are not qualified for that particular job?

Do you?

You don’t have to feel that way. It can be intimidating when you are fit for the job and even though you are not applying just because your skill does not match the job description.

What companies requirements are you need to have those skills that relate to the job, so you simply can’t ignore those skills. But still you shouldn’t worry about too much, some companies are not going for 100% job description, they just check 70% to 75% of the job description but they prefer individuals who have great potential and are the best fit for the organization. What matters most is that your confidence how you present yourself to the interviewer.

Don’t Rule Yourself Out

According to the report and research, it released that around 40% of women and 45% of men didn’t apply for the jobs because they didn’t think that they would meet the requirements. Don’t be fret about 100% meeting of the requirements, its company’s strategies to list these just to comb out the candidates who are completely inappropriate. If you think about it, a lot of candidates wouldn’t fit for all the criteria that would be listed in the current profile. So if you don’t have all skills, then don’t strain too much. To select great applicants it depends on the interviewer, that he/she capable of this role or not. Don’t Preclude yourself for such no good reason. You need to worry only if there is a really big difference between you and the job description. For example, if they want 6 years of experiences and you have only 2 years.

There is a lot you can do to get hired, even if you don’t perfectly match the Job description.

Bridge the Gap

Take out time and jot down the requirements you don’t have. Check what skills, knowledge you can learn in short-term to fill those gaps. There are plenty of very short online course to enhance your skills and add to the resume.

Show Off your Potential

Instead of talking about the skills you don’t have, talk about the time that you have learned new skills at work. Or even better, talk about how much you learned in short span of time and showing that how you took the initiation to learn new skills all on your own shows that what you will able to learn in the position you are applying for.

Show off Skills you do have

To get the job done, be confident and present some impressive skills and qualities that are not even listed on a resume. Take the focus away from how well you fit the job, depict some extra skills that you have to the hiring managers.

For example, maybe you haven’t work in sales role before, but you have the tricks and tips to convince the customers and turn to sales.

Or maybe you haven’t managed any team in a working environment before, but you have worked with the freelancer across the world to get it job done or you have captained a sports team and organized any event.

Show them your Soft skills

Express yourself like that demonstrate the leadership quality, problem-solving abilities, good communication skills and acting as a team player. Evidence of strong soft skills sounds into a high potential and a good fit into an organization.

Use Positive Language

Try to keep the conversation simple and interactive. Don’t hesitate while answering. Never say “I don’t want to work”… “I have never done this”…

Instead you can “I would love to work on that” and “I am very interested in that”…

If you keep your language positive, you can avoid having to explain anything away.

Make Them Present

If you are not qualified for the job title, just show them what you can do. Write down the skills you don’t have and learn at that way to present something.

For example, suppose the company job requirement is JavaScript, Java, jquery. Learn at least fundamentals concept of each topic and document it in your portfolio. It proves that you can learn any skills and independently.

Hopefully, by now this article will help you to see the jobs that look out of your reach. Don’t wipe out from amazing opportunities, especially when having the confidence and got the strong soft skills, passion, and zest they are looking for.