On Dealing with Deep Hashes in Ruby — XF — Part One: Scopes

Brandon Weaver
6 min readApr 24, 2018


Xf is a Ruby gem meant for transforming and searching deep hashes, inspired loosely by Lenses in Haskell.

Xf is short for Transform Functions, or XForm Functions. (Ok ok, fine, tf was taken)

This round of article we’re going to take a look at how to utilize yield, blocks, and some other foundational functional elements in Ruby to make a flexible and extensible transformation library.

As to where this idea came from, typically dealing with too much JSON data in one form or another can get incredibly tedious, especially if you have to modify it. Compound that issue when you introduce arbitrarily deep keys you care about, notably if they’re never quite in the same place. It’s quite vexing, really.

Shall we dive in then?

Scopes — Getters

A scope is a very light version of a Haskell Lense. Its purpose is entirely to define a static path that we care about and allow us to either extract or modify the value of what we find down that path.

In some cases we may even want to just mutate in place in the case of having to transform a good deal of JSON.

Let’s take a look at the public api from Xf and how it looks:

people = [{name: "Robert", age: 22}, {name: "Roberta", age: 22}]
age_scope = Xf.scope(:age)
# => [22, 22]

So we can get a value, what’s so different from the Vanilla variant? It’s shorter too:

people.map { |x| x[:age] }

True, but what if you want to go a bit deeper? get actually uses dig under the hood, meaning anything there is fair game. Let’s take a look at how one might do that with a function:

getter = -> *paths { -> object { object.dig(*paths) } }

Same result, we’re essentially just closing over the value paths. Now the thing about Ruby is, it’s Object Oriented, and classes are actually a good solution here:

class Scope
def initialize(*paths)
@paths = paths
def get
Proc.new { |object| object.dig(*@paths) }

What we’re doing is using the class to keep a hold of our paths, and using the get method to simply return us a proc so we can throw it straight to a block with an & prefix.

Turns out the actual implementation isn’t that far different, Xf does give another variant though for more normal use:

class Scope
def initialize(*paths)
@paths = paths
def get
Proc.new { |o| get_value(o) }
def get_value(object)

If you’re just wrapping a straight series of arguments, you might be tempted to use method. Turns out Proc is actually a hair faster:

task :proc_vs_method do
class Scope
def initialize(*ps) @ps=ps end
def get_m; method(:get_value) end
def get_p; Proc.new { |o| get_value(o) } end
def get_value(o) o.dig(*@ps) end
age_scope = Scope.new(:age)
people = [{name: "Robert", age: 22}, {name: "Roberta", age: 22}]
run_benchmark('Proc vs Method',
'method': -> { people.map(&age_scope.get_m) },
'Proc': -> { people.map(&age_scope.get_p) }
➜ xf git:(master) ✗ rake proc_vs_methodProc vs Method
method result: [22, 22]
Proc result: [22, 22]
Warming up --------------------------------------
method 60.748k i/100ms
Proc 76.871k i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
method 736.226k (± 3.2%) i/s - 3.706M in 5.038518s
Proc 938.803k (± 7.1%) i/s - 4.689M in 5.020202s
Proc: 938802.6 i/s
method: 736226.4 i/s - 1.28x slower

Odd, can’t say I knew that one before, but here we are eh? Just for kicks though, looks like the gap is even wider with TruffleRuby:

Warming up --------------------------------------
method 323.163k i/100ms
Proc 522.297k i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
method 4.265M (±24.3%) i/s - 18.743M in 4.999134s
Proc 7.301M (±20.9%) i/s - 32.905M in 4.999996s
Proc: 7300546.9 i/s
method: 4265477.9 i/s - 1.71x slower

Now what about those setters? That’s where we get into some fun!

Scopes — Setters

Now the nifty part about that class is we already have access to where we need to go with the path, we just need to go and set something on it!

Well, I’m here to tell you a dirty little secret about some of my functional style in Ruby: I mutate things, a lot. I just stick a clone on top of them for safe-keeping.

Often times one can implement a clean version of the function with a combination of a mutating function and clone, and in Ruby a clone is fairly straightforward:

def deep_clone(hash) Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(hash)) end

If you want an exhaustive look at Marshalling, give this a look:

Anyways, we know we can effectively clone, so let’s get to our dirty mutating function then.

def set_value!(hash, value = nil, &fn)
lead_in = @paths[0..-2]
target_key = @paths[-1]
new_hash = hash
lead_in.each { |s| new_hash = new_hash[s] }
new_value = block_given? ?
yield(new_hash[target_key]) :
new_hash[target_key] = new_value hash
# Hehehehehehe
def set_value(hash, value = nil, &fn)
set_value!(deep_clone(hash), value, @fn)

Now that’s a bit dense. What are we doing here?

The idea for setting, or burying, a value in a hash is that we must first dive down to the point where we want to leave the value. What we’re doing is using all the segments of our path except the last to dig down, redefining our target hash as we go.

Once that target is hit, we want to set the value at that target key equal to our new value. When a block is passed we first give that old value to a block to do whatever with it, otherwise we just take a static value.

Now this could also be done with reduce, but there’s a nibble of a speed hit I tend to avoid in libraries:

def set_value!
*lead_in, target_key = @paths

dive_hash = lead_in.reduce(hash) { |h, s| h[s] }
dive_value = block_given? ?
yield(dive_hash[target_key]) : value

dive_hash[target_key] = new_value

More succinct, yes, but also a hair slower:

Reduce vs Each
reduce result: {:a=>{:b=>{:c=>{:d=>{:e=>{:f=>5}}}}}}
each result: {:a=>{:b=>{:c=>{:d=>{:e=>{:f=>5}}}}}}
Warming up --------------------------------------
reduce 91.033k i/100ms
each 113.241k i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
reduce 1.172M (± 3.4%) i/s - 5.917M in 5.055598s
each 1.557M (± 3.2%) i/s - 7.814M in 5.025450s
each: 1556526.1 i/s
reduce: 1171768.9 i/s - 1.33x slower

Oddly TruffleRuby has them roughly the same, but margin of error is a bit touchy:

Reduce vs Each
reduce result: {:a=>{:b=>{:c=>{:d=>{:e=>{:f=>5}}}}}}
each result: {:a=>{:b=>{:c=>{:d=>{:e=>{:f=>5}}}}}}
Warming up --------------------------------------
reduce 657.298k i/100ms
each 820.712k i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
reduce 13.626M (±11.9%) i/s - 65.073M in 5.018597s
each 14.576M (±13.1%) i/s - 69.761M in 5.031806s
each: 14575975.3 i/s
reduce: 13626106.1 i/s - same-ish: difference falls within error

It’s interesting to me, though, that some of the more functional type techniques are within closer distance on average in TruffleRuby, but that’s a subject for another day perhaps.

Note these aren’t exactly scientific benchmarks as I’m running in a fairly browser heavy environment at the moment looking through references. I’ll likely start porting a lot of these stats through on CI later.

Lessons Learned from Scopes

According to a few Haskell programmers there’s a lot more to Lenses to shamelessly rip off for Ruby, so I’ll have to look into that for later. They’re composable among a few other things, so it’s back to reading for me.

Now, Scopes are all well and good, but what about those really pesky values you don’t remember where they got hidden at? Ah, that’s what Traces are for!

We’ll be covering those next article, and it’ll be a treat. Scopes were relatively tame compared to some of the fun you can have with a Trace.

Go give Xf a try:


Part Two is now live:

