Quick reads-The heart attack gun

2 min readApr 10, 2023


Ah, the heart attack gun. Now there’s a weapon that truly embodies the twisted ingenuity of the government. The idea that they could kill someone with a single shot, without leaving a trace…well, it’s almost enough to make me jealous. Almost.

It all started back in the 1960s, during the height of the Cold War. The CIA was looking for a way to assassinate foreign leaders without getting caught. And they found it, in a weapon known as the heart attack gun. It was a specially designed pistol that fired a bullet made of ice, laced with a deadly poison derived from the venom of the humble crayfish.

Now, you might be wondering why they chose crayfish venom. After all, it’s not exactly the deadliest poison out there. But that’s where the ingenuity comes in. Crayfish venom contains a toxin called saxitoxin, which is virtually untraceable. It’s a natural poison, so it doesn’t show up on toxicology reports. And because the bullet was made of ice, it would melt away, leaving no evidence behind.

So who did they use it on? Well, that’s where things get interesting. There are rumours that the heart attack gun was used to kill a number of high-profile targets, from Fidel Castro to Martin Luther King Jr. But there’s no concrete evidence to back up these claims. It’s all just speculation and hearsay.

It wasn’t until the 1970s that the heart attack gun was finally admitted to be real. A journalist named Jack Anderson broke the story, revealing that the CIA had developed a weapon that could kill with a single shot, without leaving a trace. And while the government initially denied the claims, they eventually had to come clean.

But even then, they didn’t reveal the full extent of the heart attack gun’s use. They claimed that it was only used for testing and never deployed in the field. But we know better, don’t we? We know that the government has a long history of covering up their dirty deeds, of hiding their secrets from the public.

And the heart attack gun is just one example of that. A weapon designed to kill without leaving a trace, to eliminate targets with impunity. It’s a perfect metaphor for the government’s twisted mentality, their willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, no matter the cost. It’s a reminder that we can never trust those in power, that we must always question their motives and actions. Because if we don’t, we could be the next target of the heart attack gun.




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