Observing your network connection with Flow

Barry Irvine
3 min readFeb 3, 2022


One of the biggest challenges of the modern Android development is migrating all the Context-based callbacks that used to live in an Activity or Fragment into a component that we can easily use in our ViewModel. Even better, if we can change the callback into a Kotlin Flow, we can easily consume all the changes as and when they happen.

Recently I wanted to display a banner in a Composable that only shows when there is no network connection. Basically I wanted to consume a boolean Flow that returned true if there was a network connection and false if there wasn’t.

First off, I needed to add the relevant permission to the manifest:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

I then also needed to know the current state of the network. Unfortunately I needed to support all the way back to Lollipop and there are different commands for each Android version so I created a compatibility object hides the different implementations.

object ConnectedCompat {

private val IMPL: ConnectedCompatImpl

init {
} else {

fun isConnected(connectivityManager: ConnectivityManager) =

internal interface ConnectedCompatImpl {
fun isConnected(connectivityManager: ConnectivityManager): Boolean

object BaseImpl : ConnectedCompatImpl {
override fun isConnected(connectivityManager: ConnectivityManager): Boolean =
connectivityManager.activeNetworkInfo?.isConnected ?: false


object MarshMallowImpl : ConnectedCompatImpl {
override fun isConnected(connectivityManager: ConnectivityManager): Boolean =
?.hasCapability(NET_CAPABILITY_INTERNET) == true

So using the ConnectivityManager I can now work out whether I’m currently connected, but what about actually getting changes in the network state updating the flow? For that I need to utilise callbackFlow.

To begin with, I added a provider for the ConnectivityManager to my Hilt configuration. Something like this:

class ApplicationModule {
fun provideConnectivityManager(@ApplicationContext context: Context): ConnectivityManager =
context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE) as ConnectivityManager

Now I can just create a new component which I’m going to call NetworkMonitor which I can inject into a ViewModel or an Activity or Fragment for that matter.

class NetworkMonitor @Inject constructor(
private val connectivityManager: ConnectivityManager
) {

val isConnected: Flow<Boolean> = callbackFlow {
val callback = object : ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback() {
override fun onAvailable(network: Network) {

override fun onLost(network: Network) {
val request = NetworkRequest.Builder()
.apply {
connectivityManager.registerNetworkCallback(request, callback)

awaitClose {

There’s a lot to unpack there but basically this allows me to wrap the old callback so that it produces a cold Flow of Boolean. Each time a WiFi or cellular data network is available it emits true and when it is lost it emits false. When the NetworkMonitor goes out of scope — for example the ViewModel that was referencing it is no longer in use — the callback is automatically unregistered (this is the awaitClose section). Furthermore, when we first access the NetworkMonitor we also want the current state of the network — for which we use the compatibility method we just created :


There is one final Marshmallow-specific bit of code in there — in Marshmallow you can also check if a network really has Internet capabilities, so I also added this clause for that scenario:


A really basic example of using this would be:

class MyViewModel @Inject constructor(
val networkMonitor: NetworkMonitor
) : ViewModel()
fun MyScreen(
model: MyViewModel = hiltViewModel()
) {
val hasNetwork by model.networkMonitor.isConnected.collectAsState(true)
if (!hasNetwork) {
Text("You don't have a network ")

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Barry Irvine

Writing elegant Android code is my passion — but with 20+ years experience in roles from programme delivery to working at the coal face, I’ve seen it all.