100 Day’s UI To Website Challenge.

Aiden Brooks
4 min readJul 13, 2023


1–10 Day’s

Hi designers and every one of you👋! It is great to see you all here.

I am a junior UI/UX designer & web-developer who is keen on learning and willing to grow what I have learned. Since I am a junior designer & web developer, I should do designs regularly to improve my skill set.

Some of you might agree with me on this. But as for my perspective, trying to find a topic or category to do designs makes me bored, and eventually, I’ll end up frustrating myself. So I found out about this awesome site of 100-day UI Challenge. Where they will send you a daily UI/UX challenge every day And for code practicing for free I have found out this awesome website call Freecode camp her you will get a free certificate on completion of every coding language.

As far as now I have completed my Day 1 challenge from UI design to fully functional web page.

Through this process, I felt some improvement in my designs, and I hope you like them too. I’d love to read your comments. Please feel free to let me know your feedback on my designs. Any feedback on how I should improve my designs is always welcome!

With that Let me Show you My Day 1 Challenge💣

— Day 01:- Sign Up Page 🔊👇 —

— Day 02:- Credit Card payment Page 🔊👇 —

🎨 Daily UI Challenge Day 2: Credit Card Checkout 💳

Check out my latest design for Day 2 of the Daily UI Challenge! Today’s challenge was all about creating a sleek and user-friendly credit card checkout interface. Here’s a brief description of my design:

🌟 Design Concept: For this challenge, I aimed to create a seamless and intuitive credit card checkout experience that balances elegance and functionality. The design focuses on clear visual hierarchy, a clean layout, and attention to detail to ensure a smooth user journey.

🎨 Color Scheme: I chose a sophisticated color scheme with a blend of deep blues and vibrant accents to convey trust, reliability, and a touch of modernity. The shades of blue create a sense of calmness while the accents add energy and guide the user’s attention to key elements.

💡 Key Features: 1️⃣ Easy Navigation: The top navigation bar provides clear steps for the checkout process, helping users feel guided and in control at all times.

2️⃣ Card Details: The credit card input fields are designed with simplicity and clarity in mind. Users can effortlessly enter their card number, expiration date, and security code while the system automatically formats the input for easy readability.

3️⃣ Billing Information: The form includes fields for the user’s billing information, such as their name, email, and address. The layout is organized and concise, reducing cognitive load and ensuring a hassle-free checkout experience.

4️⃣ Secure Payment: To instill trust, I incorporated trust badges and SSL encryption icons to reassure users that their payment information is secure and protected.

5️⃣ Review & Confirm: Before finalizing the purchase, users have the opportunity to review their order summary, including the items, quantities, and total amount. This step ensures accuracy and minimizes potential errors.

📱 Responsiveness: I’ve also taken into consideration the importance of mobile users. The design is responsive, adapting seamlessly to different screen sizes and orientations. This guarantees a consistent and enjoyable experience for users across various devices.

I’m thrilled to share my Day 2 design for the Daily UI Challenge. Stay tuned for more creative and user-centric designs in the coming days. Feel free to leave your feedback and suggestions! 🎉💬 #DailyUI #UIChallenge #CreditCardCheckout



Aiden Brooks

Meet a multi-talented individual! A medical graduate turned business student, with a passion for coding & an entrepreneur at heart, running a software solutions