maria wants a better browser

2 min readOct 6, 2017


many people browse the web with lots of tabs — hundreds of tabs — open.

and we want a better experience.

it shouldn’t be that difficult to make us happy with a “super-browser”.

this “super-browser” would operate in a very straightforward manner.

when we first summon a site, our super-browser should (1) load the summoned site, (2) index it, (3) put it in a list of “available” tabs, and (4) save the site to disk (removing it from active memory-use by the browser).

from then on, we should be able to click a site in the list, or — (more likely, since the list could have thousands of entries) — do a keyword-search on the index, get a list of sites satisfying the search, and re-summon the one we want, whereupon the super-browser would reload the site from disk. (and then, optionally, re-load it from the web if it has been updated since our original save.)

the “super-browser” might be a mere plug-in to one of the major browsers.

or it might be a relatively dumb webkit container which — if some website got too hairy for the container to handle by itself — could send the site to the full-fledged browser.

or perhaps it might operate in some other fashion.

the method of implementation won’t matter much as long as the effect is that it’s easy to switch to any of the thousands of tabs that maria might want to access at any one time.

can you help make maria — and all of the rest of us tab lovers — happy? please? thanks!

p.s. by the way, if you’re on twitter, maria is a delightful person to follow.




i am — a restless reckless performance poet — from los angeles