Why Home Remedies are not Advised to Remove Wasps from Your Home

3 min readFeb 26, 2024

Among the many pests that plague Canadian homes, wasps are the most formidable because they can extreme physical discomfort at times. Wasps have this tendency to attack humans without warning. Wasps sting people when they feel the threat coming from them. Going near their nest will provoke immediate aggression and wasps will chase you down and sting you. Wasps stings can extremely cause pain and can put people in shock and coma if the victim is already allergic to wasp venom. This is the reason why wasps are the most dangerous of the house pests and you should get them removed using BBPP, the best wasp removal service in Vaughan and also for nearby towns.

What are the home remedies for wasp removal?

Some of you may think why pay a professional service when it is easy to remove them using home remedies you have learned from the internet? If you go through websites you will find several home remedies or DIY methods that appeal to as effective wasp removal methods. The oft-repeated home remedies will include

· Honey traps

· Growing strong scented plants

· Spraying soapy water on the wasp nest

· Setting the nest on fire

· Using a water jet to pummel the nest

· Physical assault on the nest by a baseball bat

· Throwing scalding water on the nest

· Spraying Strong scented essential oils and more

The methods to some extent may work but they are never comprehensive hence it is advised that you seek wasp nest removal in Vaughan to get rid of them. Using these methods may or may not repel wasps as there is always the chance of wasps counter-attacking you in great anger. There is no guarantee that all wasps will be present in the nest at the time of using the DIY methods. Spraying water, over-the-counter repellent, hot water, or soapy water is always a half-cooked idea because some of the wasps may have gone on errands or collected food, etc. When they see you attacking their nest they will pounce upon you and sting you with overt aggression. This is a scene you won’t want to be involved in because wasps’ venom can be allergic to you and you may experience shock needing hospitalization.

Call professionals to remove wasp nest

Before launching any of the above acts, do some research on wasps behavior and how they will react when they see a threat to their nest. Wasp sting is painful and you may experience swelling on the sting spot, redness, and extreme itchiness. It will take a day or two to recover and the redness and swelling to disappear. When you see a nest full of wasps you can easily determine that the task of removing the wasps should be given to BBPP, the best Vaughan pest control service, and also for nearby areas and let them remove the infestation. You can contact them on phone number 647–910–6315 or send mail to info@bbppcanada.com and get a quote for wasp removal.




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