In every 15 minutes, a child is sexually abused in India(Bhatt 2018). In the majority of the cases, the abusers are personally known to the child or are in a position of authority. What is worse is that majority of child abuse cases go unreported both to the police and even with family members which means that many people are walking around with scares that they have never shared with anyone.

A victim of child abuse finds it challenging to accept that it has happened. They childhood goes through myriad emotional and mental health problems often carried over into their adulthood. In this article I am sharing the real life experience of one such victim through a fictitious story where the victim chooses to fight against sexual abuse and recover from her mental health issues….READ MORE



Clinical & Counselling Psychology Career | BBRFI

BBRFI is a team of dedicated professionals from various disciplines with a common aim of promoting positive mental health and well-being among individuals.