A Collector’s Perspective ft. Marcus Johst

2 min readDec 28, 2018


Coming towards the end of 2018, it is time to sum up for the year. At such a time, there are lists which contain important data for the art industry. Among which, the Top 200 Art Collector List presented by ARTnews is worth keeping an eye on.

Pinot Rose by Dejan Trajković

Having Roman Abramovich from New York remains at the top of the list, we are sad to farewell three significant names from the list due to their death last year— Bruce and Diane Halle, who had been a passionate couple for Latin American art; and Samuel I. Newhouse who held the best collections of modern and contemporary.

Art collectors are the support for artists and the entire art market. Artists might be the frontline for the art world, but without art collectors to push it forward, many of the amazing masterpieces will come into nothing.

German collector Marcus Johst

BBuzzArt curatorial team has traveled to Germany and visited one of our collectors Marcus Johst in person. We invite you to visit the collector’s studio through our video and get to know more about how he sees art in the collecting behavior at: http://bit.ly/2ESEsSR

What is your perspective? If you are an artist or an art lover who wishes to share your story with the fellow BBuzzArt users, don’t hesitate to shoot us an email at indo@bbuzzart.com.

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