Can Art Make a Difference? Pt.2

2 min readJul 20, 2018


Singapore’s Fost Gallery has announced that mixed media artist Song-Ming Ang has been selected by the National Arts Council to represent Singapore at the 58th Venice Biennale in May 2019. Best known for his interactive artwork You and I (2009/2012), Ang’s latest art piece A Song to Change the World attempts to make a difference to the world by inventing a ‘truly-existing imaginary genres’ of music and examine how people relate to music individually and as a society.

In Can Art Make a Difference? Pt.1, we have introduced artists who use public figures in their artworks to talk about social issues. To continue the discussion, we will present some of our artists who try to change the world by revealing social problems in other ways.

Trabajo by Alberto Couratier

Chilean performance artist Alberto couratier is a Visual Arts professsor in Colégio Atenas. Working on social subjects such as gender and economic inequality, he selects images belonging to his visual culture and converts them into performance art. His performances consist of the construction of prostheses and objects taken from everyday social contexts.The artist has named his style ‘arte hechizo’ (meaning ‘art spell’). He believes that through the watching process, the audience would be hypnotized and find resonation.

Know more about Alberto Couratier at:

Artworks by Aldrich Maligsa (from left to right) — Moses (2016), Staplefood (2016) and Life Is and Full Of (2014)

Based in Cebu City, Aldrich Maligsa creates artwork without an affinity to a single medium or material. His award-winning artwork Life Is and Full Of which questions the art scene in Philippines and the boundaries of art. Maligsa experiments with ready-made objects and transcends them to relate the impending cultural, social, and political situation his country faces.

The artwork Moses (2016) aims to critize the current Philippine government and how it adheres to extrajudicial killings. Through the exhibition of wrapping tapes, Maligsa reminds his audience of the victims in Duterte’s war on drugs and leads them to rethink the incidents.

Enjoy more artworks by Aldrich Maligsa at:

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