Distance within the Intimacy — Seon Young Park’s Family Portraits

2 min readMar 19, 2019


There is always one of those times when you feel nostalgia and flip through photo albums for the long lost memories. Perhaps this inter-season week in which rain and sunshine takes their turn to move your emotions is one of those times.

In order to recall her family memories, Korean artist Seon Young Park started a project of memorabilia and paint according to what she finds in the family photo ablum.

We Were So Young by Seon Young Park

Hugging is a common gesture in Park’s paintings. Some are with her mother, some are with her sisters, and some among her sisters without the presence of the artist.

Despite the intimate nature of the gesture, from the facial expressions and the overall atmosphere, those hugs do not convey a close relationship between the subjects. Rather an a mutual interaction, those hugs are one-sided from the older party towards the younger party, which implies a protection and somehow a suppression of the younger one.

Mom and Me by Seon Young Park

This distance within the intimacy might not be certain to reflect the relationships of the painter and her family, but how she gazes at her memories in the past as an outsider. The subtleness is generated from the layers of time lapse, how memories are stored in the original photos, how time washes out the emotions in the past, how the artist represents her faded memories through the action painting.

My Two Sisters by Seon Young Park

Childhood is the root of one’s personality and psycho development. The most significant events which differentiate our lives are not necessarily captured in photos. Yet through painting, the essence of childhood impression remains.

Do you feel nostalgia after appreciating Seon Young Park’s paintings? Gather with your family today and have a look at the photo album to find traces of yourself in the younger you.

Explore memorabilia with Seon Young Park at: http://bit.ly/2Y2WqZc

Buzzing Art, Budding Artists. www.bbuzzart.com




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