Welcome 2019 with the Warmest Color!

2 min readDec 7, 2018


Yesterday, Pantone has announced PANTONE 16–1546 Living Coral as the Color of the Year 2019. After 7 years since PANTONE 17–1463 Tangerine Tango became the Color of the Year 2012, finally another energetic warm color got picked!

Poetic space by Raluca Popescu

According to Pantone, Living Coral is selected not only because of the optimism and joyful pursuits it provides, but also the comfort and buoyancy it brings that reminds us about our Nature.

Although Living Coral was not yet named or paid attention in the past, we are able to find the this bright color as the base layer of many Post-Impressionism masterpieces. Next time if you are reading the Art History book, you may try to find Living Coral in the famous paintings.

Find Living Coral in masterpieces: The Judgement of Paris by Paul Cézanne and The Scream by Edvard Munch

To celebrate the announcement of the Color of the Year 2019, let’s check out the artworks in the same color tone on BBuzzArt at: http://bit.ly/2AWXx1O

Little Boy Blue by Buggsart
Drowning by Mohamed Sobeha
Primordial Effect by Krysta Lisa

Buzzing Art, Budding Artists. www.bbuzzart.com




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