Kim Dynasty: Family Rulers of North Korea

Brandon Cammon
2 min readMay 15, 2023


Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

The Kim dynasty is a political dynasty that has ruled North Korea since the country’s inception in 1948. The dynasty is named after its founder, Kim Il-sung, who served as the country’s first supreme leader until his death in 1994. He was succeeded by his son, Kim Jong-il, who ruled until his death in 2011. The current supreme leader is Kim Jong-un, Kim Jong-il’s son.

The Kim dynasty is characterized by a cult of personality that revolves around the ruling family. The leaders are often referred to as “supreme leaders” or “eternal leaders” and are portrayed as infallible and omnipotent. Their portraits can be found throughout the country, and they are celebrated in propaganda and public events.

Under the Kim dynasty, North Korea has become one of the most repressive and isolated countries in the world. The country is known for its strict control of information, its harsh treatment of dissidents, and its nuclear weapons program. The Kim dynasty has also been accused of human rights abuses, including forced labor, torture, and extrajudicial killings.

Despite these criticisms, the Kim dynasty remains popular among many North Koreans. The leaders are seen as protectors of the country and defenders of its sovereignty. The country’s propaganda promotes a sense of national pride and unity, and the leaders are portrayed as heroic figures who have overcome great challenges.

The Kim dynasty has also been successful in maintaining its grip on power. The country’s political system is highly centralized, with power concentrated in the hands of the ruling family and a small group of elites. The government controls all aspects of society, including the media, the economy, and the military.

In recent years, the Kim dynasty has made headlines for its nuclear weapons program and its ongoing tensions with the United States. The country has conducted multiple missile tests and has threatened to attack the United States and its allies. The international community has responded with sanctions and diplomatic pressure, but the Kim dynasty has remained defiant.

In conclusion, the Kim dynasty is a political dynasty that has ruled North Korea since the country’s inception in 1948. It is characterized by a cult of personality that revolves around the ruling family, strict control of information, and a highly centralized political system. Despite criticism and international pressure, the Kim dynasty remains popular among many North Koreans and has maintained its grip on power for over seven decades

