4 min readJun 8, 2022


太棒了! 首先,您能简单介绍一下您自己和您的POTA项目吗?
Great! In the begining, would you briefly introduce yourself and your POTA to us?


POTA is a potato meme token on SmartBCH!

Pota was distributed fairly by an IBO. 70% of the total supply was sold for $10,000, and the rest is kept for liquidity and airdrops to fans. You’ll find that most tokens only sell 10% to 20% of the total supply and the rest is kept for financing. Pota is trying to find organic growth built on community trust. We have no inflation and no taxation. Our starting liquidity grew from $10,000 to over $135,000 and we are overwhelmed by your support!

首先他是smart bch上第一个马铃薯代币,电子化的马铃薯~



What makes POTA special? How to maintain healthy development in the future?


The crypto space is sadly dominated by opportunists and money-grabbers. The aim of POTA is to create a fun and engaging community of people who don’t just see financial gain are their only goal but want to make this space more welcoming and fun.

We’ve all been disappointed at some point about this space. Most people only want to become rich overnight, buy a Lambo, etc. while not caring about anyone else. We’ve also seen how the public eye is starting to treat crypto and NFT’s. All they see is expensive JPEG’s, rug pulls and people shilling their own investments. All of that is making the crypto space very hostile to newcomers and existing members alike.

I am a member of a little meme coin called “Banano” which has the best community I’ve been a part of. This coin gave me the inspiration to start POTA.

POTA, like Banano, isn’t meant to be the next Bitcoin or Ethereum. It’s meant to bring some entertainment to people’s lives and welcome newcomers to SmartBCH, the same way that Dogecoin succeeded in bringing a lot of new people to crypto. As long as we build a strong and fun community, the token cannot fail.



我是一个叫做Banano的小表情包代币的成员,我所在的社区是最棒的,这没带币给了我创立POTA的灵感和banano一样,POTA并不是要成为下一个比特币或以太坊,它的目的是为人们的生活带来一些娱乐,并欢迎新用户加入smart BCH,就像狗狗币成功的将许多新用户引入加密货币一样,只要我们构建一个强大而有趣的社区,代币就不会失败。


三、Potato coin发布了一个NFT系列,它有什么特色,我们如何获得它?在未来会推出更多 NFT吗?

Potato Coin released an NFT collection. What is the use case of Potato NFT? Any plans in minting your next collection in the future?


NFT’s are an interesting concept. Some people buy them in order to sell them for a profit, others like to collect them. Our first NFT collection (Collection 0) was released for free to our holders because we wanted to have a more fair distribution than charging an artificial amount to mint them. Currently the only use case they have is feeling cool that you own one of the first 100 Potato NFT’s that were minted, similar to what first edition Pokemon cards became a few years after they came out.
We do have some plans on a future NFT collection that is more randomized, but there is no timeline yet that we can announce.



他们可以在http://nft.potato.in/index.html 查看和交易Pota的NFT




Are you planning to release something new such as DEX or a game where NFT’s play a lead role?


We don’t believe there is a need to have so many DEX’s. A space with SmartBCH’s size can only support up to 3 DEX’s and there are already more than that. Anything more is unnecessary and will eventually disappear.
Crypto games have quite a few issues as well. Firstly, most Play-to-earn games create their token first, fund it and then start developing the actual game. This is a mistake. A videogame should be built as a game first and foremost, and then introduce the crypto economy. That’s why there are currently no fun crypto games on any blockchain. They are all an excuse to sell NFT’s and if you took away the crypto rewards, no one would play them. To make a successful Play-to-earn game you need a big budget, a lot of time and the right vision.14:07




How will POTA change the landscape of the SmartBCH space in years to come and where do you and the team see the world of blockchain being in the future?


We believe all blockchains need a fun token that doesn’t take itself too seriously and is always there to entertain people and make them feel welcome. This is what we’re aiming to do with POTA now and in the future.
The vision we have for SmartBCH is to help make it the main competitor of Ethereum & BNB Chain, as well as attract people that want a cheap, fast and decentralized EVM platform. For that to happen we need projects like POTA that are easy to explain and fun to be part of without getting into complicated whitepapers, weird transaction fees and burn mechanics.

我们对SmartBCH的愿景是帮助它成为以太坊和BNB Chain的主要竞争对手,并吸引那些想要一个廉价、快速和去中心化的EVM平台的人。为了实现这一点,我们需要像POTA这样容易解释、有趣的项目,而不需要复杂的白皮书、奇怪的交易费用和燃烧机制。


六:是什么让你对中国社区和BCH Swarm产生了兴趣?

What got you interested in the Chinese community and BCH Swarm


We admire the Chinese people’s technological advancements and crypto adoption, which made it essential for us to connect with them. Sadly, the language barrier is making this hard, which is why we’re collaborating with BCH Swarm on Telegram for this AMA. They have a big and strong community and can help spread the good word of SmartBCH to a lot of people that only speak Chinese.

我们钦佩中国码农的加密技术和应用拓展,这使我们与他们的联系变得至关重要。遗憾的是语言障碍让这变得很困难,这就是为什么我们在Telegram上与BCH Swarm合作这个AMA。他们有一个强大的社区,可以帮助把SmartBCH的好口碑传播给更多会说中文的人

